
These elements, in addition to smoking and drinking, may be harming your kidneys.

Your kidneys’ health can be significantly impacted by a number of habits and lifestyle choices.

These elements, in addition to smoking and drinking, may be harming your kidneys.
These elements, in addition to smoking and drinking, may be harming your kidneys.

It’s critical to take measures to maintain the health of your kidneys because they are responsible for filtering waste and extra fluid from your blood.

The following behaviors can harm the kidneys:

1. Dehydration: Not getting enough water can increase the risk of renal disease and cause kidney stones to form.

Maintaining appropriate hydration is essential for kidney health.

2. Consuming too much salt can raise blood pressure, which over time can place additional stress on the kidneys.

Kidney disorders are frequently caused by high blood pressure.

3. Excessive use of painkillers: Ibuprofen and aspirin, two over-the-counter medications, can cause kidney damage if taken often and for an extended period of time.

These drugs have the potential to damage kidneys by decreasing blood flow to them.

4. High-protein diet: Eating too much protein, particularly animal protein, can increase the quantity of waste that the kidneys must filter.

This can eventually put strain on the kidneys.

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