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“We feel disappointed, disheartened and outraged by the last minute filing of a Nolle Prosequai by the Attorney-General” – Gregory Afoko Family


The family of Mr. Gregory Afoko feels disappointed, disheartened and outraged by the last minute filing of a Nolle Prosequai by the Attorney-General in the matter involving their son and brother.

The family is again very shocked at the reason given by the Government through the Minister of Information for the discontinuation and re-start of the case involving Gregory that was almost complete.

The Family is of the view that having unjustifiably served almost four (4) years in detention, the trial of our son was set to end next month after Gregory had maintained his innocence in the matter right from day one.

We were very optimistic, after following the trial closely, that Gregory was going to be acquitted and discharged to enjoy his freedom barring any last-minute behind-the-scene pulling of strings to skew judgment against our son.

Our worst fears were confirmed yesterday when we heard that the Attorney-Gensrals Office had filed a Nolle Prosequai discontinuing with the case and hoping to start afresh following the alleged arrest of a suspect, one Asabke Alangde.

The family wants to know if the Gregory trial could not have proceeded to its logical conclusion whilst that of another suspect is started? If the Prosecution knew that it would need another suspect in the matter to be able to prosecute successfully, why put Gregory through the pain of going through the whole trial process only to turn around and say that you want to prosecute the two together?

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The prosecution called 14 witnesses and closed its case. Gregory after testifying called only one witness and closed his case. What was left was judgment!

The hasty manner in which the “nolle prosequi” was filed and the accused dragged out of the Nsawam Medium Security Prisons last night only in his shorts and thrown into BNI cells thereafter without affording him the opportunity of even anybody including his lawyers deepened our suspicion that some unseen hands are bent on finding him guilty at all cost.

This is a travesty of justice for our son and brother who aside from suffering for the past 4 years, will have to go through further trauma just because some people in authority have already convicted him even before the courts give their verdict.

Based on the statement released by the Minister of Information it is evident that the state felt the trial was not going in its favour and therefore adopted the latest legal gymnastics to frustrate the process and punish Gregory for an offence he did not commit.

The above informs our belief that there is a sinister motive to have Gregory suffer for a crime he has not committed. On our part we will stand by our relative and offer him maximum support until he gets the true justice every Ghanaian deserves.

Thank you.

Robert Atong Asekabta Esq.
Spokesperson – Ayieta Family
+233 54 890 9998

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