Hon Hadji Mustaphar ✍?
Why is the civil society quite, why is the Christian Council, why are the religious leaders mute, why are the Catholic leadership quite and why is the media quite about the galamsey see?
What are we teaching our youth and where is the sense of patriotism and humanity and Our existence by nature and now we are all quite whiles nature is being destroyed.
Our water bodies are being destroyed, our forest reserves all in the name of making money for a few political party greedy bastards.
I am sad as a Ghanaian and regret born a Ghanaian since the sense of patriotism built several years ago have been totally destroyed by this current administration with regards to the future of this nation. weather it survive or not, the greed is unpresidented in the history of this nation
The hippocracy and dishonesty are too much since one of your own is in government you refused to criticise what is happening or is it that you get your shares of the current happinings
Why want us to talk about an international company like airbus paying a lawful commissions but over paid and how does this become the concern of the government of Ghana but keep mute about Nana Addo supervising Galamsey operations of his party stalwarts like John Boadu and Wuntumi and destroying our forests, rivers and environment?
How long will the media and civil society continue to be a government manipulating tools
And how long will the good citizens of this country continue to be spectators over this political batikism
The famous Matin luter King once said and I coat
The Altimate tragedy is not the operation and cruelty by the bad people but the silence by the good people and civil society
I rest my case for now but I shall be back with the part 2
A proud Member of the national ZONGO caucus working committee
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