- HAPPY MOTHER’S DAYMay 12, 2019
- Best wishes to all Muslims around the worldMay 7, 2019
Many times we see groups, NGOs talk for and about the Girl Child. We hardly ever hear any talk about the Boy Child.
This is not to say that there is anything wrong with talking for and seeking the wellbeing of our girls, admitted, girls are more vulnerable. But aren’t our boys equally vulnerable? It’s about time we pay equal attention to the Boy Child.
In our communities, l remember boys are easily attacked and accused of wrong doings right at the spot of any little or big chaos without investigations.
If a boy did something wrong you would see ‘anyone’ spank him, slap him or rain insults at him. That was not the same for the girls.
If a boy was accused of a wrong doing by even a girl of the same age, he was easily taken on without given a fair hearing.
You would see a girl been handed gifts while the boy is told ‘C’mon go and bath’ etc and he gets nothing usually.
I have seen boys being humiliated at the slightest opportunities, just because he is a boy.
A boy in not-so-good clothes would easily be accused of theft and the likes as compared to a girl in similar kind of clothes.
Even in ‘Almighty’ USA, many boys have been accused of rape and murder and have spent years in prison only to be told “the victim has confessed of wrongful accusation”.
What about the recent shootings? They are done by boys, boys who were depressed because they were either abandoned and/or lacked parental care and guidance.
Is it not strange how girls who go through similar challenges of life do not go about shooting and bombing just because they are depressed?
You see why we must begin to pay more attention to the boys also if not rather?
Boys cause more harm to society when they are neglected and go wayward.
They kill, rob, and destroy innocent lives and you have absolutely no idea how many boys are raped at young age. They keep to themselves and suffer just because no one will listen to them, let alone believe them.
Today, reflecting on the things I observed growing up and a few I have observed in my early adult years, I want to begin a challenge for as many young men and women of our generation to be ADVOCATES, ADVISERS, ROLE MODELS, COUNSELORS, etc for the BOYCHILD also as we do for the GIRLCHILD.
• Find someone you can trust and talk to when you have a challenge.
Don’t listen to those who say men do not cry. Cry out if and when you are in need of help. Not everyone will call you a stubborn or bad boy. Someone will listen to you, put himself/herself in your shoes, understand you and advise you.
• The feeling you are having as an adolescent is natural and normal. Control yourself and don’t go raping or harassing girls when your body is misbehaving. That may take you to jail and waste your life.
• Take responsibility for your actions. Having sex at a young age is wrong but if you do and impregnate your fellow school mate or girl at your age, do not neglect her to go through all the humiliation and suffering all by herself.
Do not go having sex when you are not ready to take responsibility.
As you grow up and have a wife and/or father children, take responsibility and never neglect your children as you surely regret it in old age.
• Do not waste your time, energy and money (whether hard earned or inherited) on women and alcohol.
A man at age sixty doing a menial job looks more miserable than a woman of that age doing same kind of job.
Save and invest in the right things.
• Do not accept just anything that life throws at you. Decide you want to become somebody in future.
Do not fall prey to weed smoking, armed robbery and other social vices.
Have a dream and work at it diligently.
•Learn to do chores, at least washing your own dishes and clothes.
Do not grow up not knowing no house chores so you don’t go enslaving your wife in future.
Learn to cook little and easy meals at least for your own self.
• Do not in any way undermine or underrate women under any circumstance.
We are humans first, before male or female.
What is good for the goose is good for the gander.
Your Sage
Isaac Opoku Frimpong (Youths advocate)