
KUMKUM BHAGYA Update: “OMG Dr Sheela Confirms that Pragya’s DNA Test Report is Fake” on Tuesday 18th April 2017

The Episode starts with Purab bringing Dr. Sheela to Mehra house. She checks the reports. Abhi asks which is original and which is fake. Dr. Sheela says Pragya’s report is true and Tanu’s report is fake. Nikhil thinks I should leave from here, else Abhi will kill me. Purab stops Nikhil and says not today, until Tanu takes your name. Pragya thanks Dr. Sheela for supporting the truth. She tells Abhi that now Doctor has confirmed. She says Dr. Sheela is her old friend, but they were out of touch. Dr. Sheela tells that Pragya told me everything and I assured her that I will help her to bring Tanu’s lie. Everyone hears carefully. Mitali thinks what will happen to Tanu now. Dadi asks Tanu why did she betray Abhi and everyone, and calls her shameless. She asks her why she is sticking someone’s sin
on Abhi’s face. Tanu tries to speak. Dadi says if you try to prove your point on sitting burning pan then also I will not believe you. She says this baby is of someone’s sin, and you made Abhi feel guilty. She says Abhi has ruined his married life for you. He loves Pragya and agreed to leave her. You have fooled and betrayed him. She says you tried to get name for your illegitimate baby.

Pragya thinks Abhi will be broken now. Tanu asks Abhi to believe her, and says this baby is ours. Abhi asks what about the report. He says blood sample can’t be wrong. He says I had relation with you even after marriage, but you have betrayed me. Tanu maintains that she has never betrayed him. Abhi says you know that I am emotional about this baby and that’s why took advantage of my guilt. He says now we have no relation and asks her to get out. Tanu asks Abhi to believe her and says she is lying, and says where I will go? Abhi says now you will not tell anything. I will get more angry if you keep on lying. He folds his hand and asks her to go. He says I don’t want to punish you, but will punish myself as I have sacrificed my life for you. He says you are my life’s biggest mistake, and now I will rectify it. He asks her to get out. Tanu asks Dr. Sheela, why she is ruining her life and asks her to tell truth that her DNA report is truth. She asks her to think about her child and tell the truth.

Dr. Sheela gets worried and says I can’t lie anymore. She says I can’t play with a life. She apologizes to Pragya and says I can’t support you in this, as this is a matter of a child. She apologizes to everyone and says whatever I said was a lie….Everyone is shocked. Dr. Sheela says Tanu’s report is truth and says this baby is of Abhi. Pragya gets shocked and asks Dr. Sheela why she is lying. Dr. Sheela says I can’t repay your favors with someone life. Nikhil gets happy and smiles. Tanu smirks. Dr. Sheela says as a doctor, I certify that Tanu’s baby is of Abhi. She says Pragya’s report is fake. Abhi says this is a matter of someone’s life.

Dr. Sheela says I know how it feels when a child is far away from a mum. Tanu tells Abhi that Pragya is a liar. She says Pragya and her cunning face is right infront of everyone. She says this baby is of Abhi’s blood. She asks Pragya, why did you do this? She tells Dr. Sheela, why did she do this? If she didn’t want to help her then why did she do this. Dr. Sheela apologizes. Tanu says Pragya is a liar and money pujaran. She says Pragya don’t want to give share to my son and that’s why she is doing this. She says this baby is our love child, and until he is with us, nobody can separate us. She acts and says I am tired to fight with you. Nikhil speaks up and says I was leaving, but Abhi stopped me. He tells Pragya that she should feel shame, for torturing a pregnant lady, and for trying to separate Abhi and Tanu. Abhi goes angrily.

Abhi thinks whom to believe and gets tensed. Nikhil asks Tanu, how did she get the wound? Tanu says file fell down on her. Tanu says Pragya can’t show her face to anyone. Pragya comes there and says one day Abhi will know that this baby is of Nikhil and not his. Tanu asks her not to spoil her mood and says I was doubtful when you let Abhi signed the contract. She says I kept eye on you, and followed you. I saw you going to the hospital. A fb is shown, Tanu gives money to Nurse and comes to know about her plan. She says I made my plan and answered you. She says how can you prove that Nikhil’s baby is of Abhi, and until when. Tanu says until I get what I wants. Nikhil threatens Pragya and asks her to start packing her bags. He says bad will happen with you. Tanu asks her to take her specs. Nikhil says only one thing will be here, and says our love child.

Tanu asks Pragya to go, and says Abhi said that DNA report can’t be fake. Nikhil says it is proved now that my child is of Abhi, and laugh shamelessly. Tanu says my child will get all Abhi’s wealth now. Nikhil says it is time to celebrate and asks Pragya to go, else her half blood will burn now, as half blood is already burnt down. Pragya thinks how I will prove Tanu’s truth now and gets sad. She comes back to room and sees Abhi sad. She thinks may be Abhi understands me.

Abhi blames Pragya for trying to ruin his child future. He says you can’t be my fuggi and says he don’t want to have any relation with her. Pragya is shattered.

Scene 1:
Location: Abhi’s residence
Pragya finds abhi sitting sullenly, with his back towards the door, and progresses inside hesitantly. she places a hand on his shoulder. he is disturbed. she asks him to listen once. he asks why is she here. she says that she wishes to say something. he asks whats left to be heard or said, and asks if what happened downstairs wasnt enough. she asks him to listen to her once. he asks why should he, as if what he did after hearing to her wasnt enough insulting. he asks why she did so, and that she has enemity with tani, which is understandable, but what enemity she has with him. she asks how can he even suggest that. he asks how could she not think what he shall go through, as he called his own child illegitimate and bad blood, thinking that
it belongs to someone else. she tries to talk to him, but he shuts her up, asking her to merely listen and not say a word. he asks if she actually cares for her, as she doesnt, and she is highly selfish and thinks only for herself and her bright future, and she is ready to risk his child’s future for hers. he says that he cant imagine she could do it, as she isnt what he thought she is, as she could have sacrificed her happiness, but she doesnt care for relations, who only knows how to torture people, and since she cares little, then he toodoesnt want to bear any relation with her. she is shocked and asks whats he saying, as she is his wife, and why would she mean his harm. he asks what if she is the wife, he wouldnt act as a puppet and comply to everything she says, without reasoning. he says that she misued her status as his wife, and hence he ends all relations with her today, be it marriage, friendship, professional or any other. she is aghast. he says that she had given him fake divorce papers, but he shall present her real ones, with signatures. she is aghast and distraught as he hastily walks out. she is then jerked into reality, and understands that she has been dreaming this sequences and is still standing out only. she is thankful that it was just a dream but thinks what if it becomes a reality and if she talks right now, he might just call off every relation, and hence she needs to talk to someone else, instead of him. she leaves from there. he turns around instinctively, and then goes out, wondering why he felt pragya was here, and maybe he still loves her only, and hence misses her. he fervently wishes that she had talked to him, and vice versa so that they could have cleared the confusion as to why she feels tanu’s child isnt his. he paces around nervously, thinking that he cant remember when they made love, and never doubted tanu, since she told him but maybe there is sense in what pragya says, because there were two DNA certificates, and that too on the same day, from the same doctor and in the same hospital, and if its pragya’s friend, who turned her foe now. he decides to find for himself whats the truth, instead of speculating.

MEanwhile, Granny talks with the boys, as to how pragya’s attempt at unfoiling tanu failed yet again in front of abhi, and she was branded a liar by her own friend, and wonder how long would this continue, and why did sheena betray her. Granny says that whats done is done. she wonders what they need to do now, and that they should tell abhi that they are with pragya, and her reports are accurate. they agree on it, but wonder how to. Purab says that they have planned enough, and now pragya is in trouble, because of what she has had to do, and that they have never spoken to him, due to lack opf evidence, but their silence merely aggravated the problem. he says that he shall spill it all out to him. she asks him not to act rash in anger, and what if abhi reprimands him. he says that its okay, but he cant bear to see pragya like this even at the cost of his friendship. he leaves hastily. they deliberate that they dont have any other option, other than this. she decides to go and stand outside abhi’s room, to see where the discussion is going and intervene if necessary, to handle it. they comply and rush out too.

Scene 2:
Location: On the road
PRagya, while driving, remembers how the friend lied and is upset. she says that she cant do this, then why she helped tanu, and decides to talk to her and find out. she stops the car and gets out.

Scene 3:
Location: Sheena’s residence
Pragya arrives at sheena’s place, and she opens the door and stands tensed seeing her. she walks in enraged. then she confronts the doctor as to how and why she did it, and if she sold her integrity for money, and then points out why she had wanted this so desperately, and after such problems, they were uniting, but she ruined it. she is asked to leave immediately. but pragya insists for an answer, and saays that she had helped sheena when she had wanted it so desperately. she asks what would happen when her mother knows, what sheena did. sheena asks her to go, as she wont explain at all. she is distressed. pragya asks if she did this for money, and she shouldnt have betrayed her, and that she wouldnt be able to trust anyone now. sheena says that she didnt do anything, that she is being accused of. pragya asks why then. sheena says that she had no other option, as her child has been kidnapped, and they threatened to kill her, if she didnt side with tanu. as she goes on a motherly rant, as to how she couldnt have allowed them to hurt pari, pragya is shocked to know the reason. she consoels her, saying that she should have thought that she must have been so helpless to have done this, and apologises for not understanding. sheena breaks down, and pragya says that its fine, as she did absolutely right, and she wouldnt have been able to forgive herself, had she risked pari’s life. sheena then explains how she was kidnapped. pragya asks why wasnt she told. sheena says that she didnt want to bother her. she is distressed. sheena says that then she got the call, from someone, to ask her to falsify pragya’s reports and say that tanu’s were right. pragya listens on intently. sheena is tensed if anything shall happen to pari. pragya assures her that she shall bring pari back. sheena thanks her and says that when she finds pari, and gets her back, she shall tell the truth to abhi. pragya says that she knows who did it and shall get pari back anyhow. she thinks that this must definitely be nikhil’s work, and she shall have to go there, to find some clue, which shall definitely be there, if he has done it.

Scene 4:
Location: Nikhil’s residence
Tanu and her boyfriend are amused at the plight of pragya when the doctor betrayed her. she says that it would have been best had abhi hit her. he says that pragya shall cry forever, once abhi signs the will in the child’s name. tanu is boggled how did this happen. he says that he was behind it, and reminds her not to underestimate him. he then says that he wants her to meet someone. she is highly curious, while he deliberately opens the door late and reveals that its aliya, who had kidnapped the daughter. tanu expresses happiness at seeing her, and then asks how she managed it. aliya says that when she received tanu’s distressed call, after having landed in hot waters, and wanting help from anywhere, she refused her on face. but then she thought oevr it, she realised that pragya had made her so desperate, that she did this for pragya’s defeat but not for her win. tanu says that its okay, and they aliya welcomes her in. tanu is very curious to know of their co ordination and the plan. nikhil then points out their entire strategy, and called up aliya to have a defensive strategy. she says that tanu wouldnt have been believed, as only the doctor could have confirmed to the truth. ALiya tells them that she knew if not a friend, a mother would definitely do what they want her to do, and hence thought of the kidnapping plan, so that the doctor is forced to say what they wanted.

Scene 5:
Location: Abhi’s residence
Abhi is tensed, when purab comes in, and says that he wishes to talk. abhi says that he knows what he wishes to say, that pragya is right and tanu is falsifying evidence and that he should trust pragya. granny arrives and stands outside. abhi says that he knows what purab wants him to do and understand, and believe, but why should he listen to him. outside, granny finds that abhi is enraged, and thinks that she shall have to do in. but they they decide to wait for somemore time. Inside, abhi tells purab that he thinks pragya is right, and he is taken aback, by surprise. pointing out how the doctor changed statements, abhi says that she is definitely betraying someone. he hopes that its tanu, but they need evidence, and that he shall get another DNA test if necessary. he says that he can instinctively feel pragya is right, as sheena had tears when she falsified pragya. purab is overwhelmed. he says that tanu was behaving weird. he says that if tanu is lying, then how can they get to it, and if tanu is saying the truth, then why does she need evidence to strengthen her stance. Purab is tensed. abhi says that he shall get to the bottom of this, and find out whats the truth. Outside, they are very happy that abhi is finally turning in pragya’s favour. Purab turns around. The screen freezes on abhi’s and pragya’s faces.

Precap: Tanu tells that nikhil cant be anyone’s husband. he too says that she cant be anyone’s wife. she fumes and says that she shall be and that too abhi’s. he retorts at her and asks her to learn to be someone’s mother and basically a woman first. aliya is frustrated with their fight. LAter, tanu tries to get abhi emotional, saying that its understandable that pragya did this to her, but why him, and how could she brand his child as illegitimate. he starts getting impatient, and says that he doesnt wish to talk at all. she is tensed

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