
Hungry thief does the unthinkable before exchanging fire with police

A man was shot dead in Umoja yesterday after robbing a cafe
The suspect ordered chips first before pulling his gun out and demanding for cash
There was drama in Umoja estate after a thief, who was hungry, ordered a plate of chips then decided to rob the café after being severed.
The thief, however, didn’t get a chance to enjoy the meal since he was trailed by police who shot him dead.
According to Radio Jambo, the armed thugs demanded demanding cash that was in the register and threatened to shot the attendant.
Hungry thief does the unthinkable before exchanging fire with police
One of the attendants there still managed to wrestle him but the gunman shot him in the leg.
The commotion attracted police attention who were nearby pursued him and managed to shoot him dead few meters away.
Hungry thief does the unthinkable before exchanging fire with police
According to the report, a total of five thugs were shot dead around Nairobi on February 20.
Watch crime in Nairobi in the video below:

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