Political news


It has come to the notice of concerned NPP members across Ghana and the world at-large that at a recent National Executive Council meeting of the New Patriotic Party, held in July 2018, the Chairman of the Council of Elders, Mr. C K Tedam called on the membership of the Council to support the President of the Republic, in everything he does, and to submit to him “BLINDLY”, because all of them are blind, and he is the only person in the Party who has eyes to see, and is capable of taking us to the “promised land”.
This, to us concerned Ghanaians in the NPP is a distressing and distasteful statement that shouldn’t have come from the lips of Mr. C K Tedam, a whole Chairman of the NPP Council of Elders. This statement makes it very unfortunate for the Council of Elders of the Party, and the entire National Executive Council, in whom so much trust and confident have been posited, for their Chairman to make such an infantile statement without any of the members present opposing to such an obnoxious suggestion. What further makes it very unfortunate is the fact that Mr. Tedam has a long standing history of strong allegiance in the United Party (UP) tradition from the past to the present, hence his being glorified with being Chair of Council of Elders as a man of immense wisdom, a true democrat, a man of honour, truthfulness and integrity, but for him to suggest to his massive followers to succumb slavishly to the powers of one man, the President Mr. Akufo-Addo is shocking.
We make reference to the 1st stanza of our National Anthem that exhorts all Ghanaians to be:
“bold to defend for ever
the course of freedom and of right
to fill our hearts with true humility
make us cherish fearless honesty
and help us to resist oppressors’ rule
with all our will and might for ever more.
It is against this background that Mr. Tedam’s statement in the presence and adoration of President Akufo-Addo, a man who claims to be a Human Rights lawyer and activist ought to have subjected it to scrutiny, and should have responded otherwise. May we as concerned NPP ask if Mr. Tedam is right that all of us are blind, and that it is only President Akufo-Addo is the only person with eyes, and who can see amongst the lot? Our response is an emphatic NO!!!! and certainly not.
We are of a firm believe that President Akufo-Addo should have been the very first person to shoot down the elderly Chairman’s puerile utterance as being unintelligent and indeed unacceptable. Instead, President Akufo-Addo became amused with it and warned against all who would want to challenge his edicts.


The fact is that Mr. C K Tedam was not born in the 17th century when States were represented by despotic Monarchs and Emperors who monopolized all rights and means of their citizens, and controlled them like robots. It’s a different world now, and Tedam’s statement is tantamount to making President Akufo-Addo a despot in the NPP.
May we point it out to Mr. Tedam and President Akufo-Addo that Adolf Hitler did not become Germany’s dictator overnight, neither did other world known dictators in history, all dictators started incipiently from their political parties. Upon this note, Chairman C. K. Tedam has urged the highest authority of the NPP to yeald, albeit blindly to Akufo-Addo, and this is a dangerous foreboding to creating a despot and a dictator in the NPP
Ghana and the world have once witnessed the conduct and activities of dictators, so it becomes very surprising for a man of his age to have the temerity so childish to propose the making of an authoritarian in the NPP, a Party that has stood strongly for all the tenets of democracy, and continues to stand out as democrats with equal membership rights.
Society has most times equated old age with wisdom, except when affected with senile decay, but in this situation, Mr. Tedam, with full consciousness and presence of mind, has called for such a condemnable abomination for his Party, and must be challenged with full force. If not checked on time, it may be recalled that when in opposition, Mr. Akufo-Addo started showing some authoritarian tendencies by calling on all parliamentary candidates to cede to female contestants where and when such occurred, but it was quickly and vehemently opposed and thrown over-board
In his inaugural address, President Akufo-Addo admonished all Ghanaians to be citizens and not spectators, so in this regard, where is Chairman Tedam coming from if we have to follow blindly? The Tedam’s effusion is not an affront to only decent-minded NPP members, it is in fact an insult to all Ghanaians hence we are calling for Mr. C K. Tedam to immediately resign as Chairman of the National Council of Elders, and from his membership from the National Executive Committee because he has either over-grown his usefulness, or he has developed some malevolence towards the Party.
It is not surprising that President Akufo-Addo has of late demonstrated a strong liking for obsequious appointees and followers who are all “YES MEN and WOMEN” of boot-lickers. President Akufo-Addo either consciously or unconsciously does not realize their flattery and sycophancy by licking boots to survive.
We learn with disbelief that the President has charged his Regional Chairmen to drop individuals on the National Executive Council who will not yeald to boot-licking, and replacing them arbitrarily with sycophantic “Yes” blind-following alternatives, albeit it is against the NPP constitution.
None-the-less, we do hereby serve notice now, that if any such breaches to the NPP constitution are attempted, we shall advise ourselves
Joe Gordon Arhin
Contact: 00 41 77 500 07 45 Switzerland


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