My attention has been drawn to publications in the media about keeping an official Laptop and clothing Allowance despite being sacked from GEPA.
I wish to state that I never took any laptop away unlawfully after the termination of my appointment on June 7, 2018.
When my appointment was terminated on June 7, 2018, i was given the option to either return my laptop, replace same, or pay and keep it.
I opted for the option of keeping same and paying for the cost from my terminal benefit in an official written communication.
Accepting the option to pay for the laptop was not done in secrecy. It was done through an official written communication to Ms Afua Asabea Asare, the new CEO, months before the official Auditing, the evidence of which is available.
The Auditors were duly informed of this arrangement in a written response I gave to them, a copy of which is available and which they made reference to in number 310 of the Audit Report.
I therefore see the decision to publish only that portion of the report and omitting my response as a deliberate attempt to paint me black in the eyes of the public.
About the clothing allowance, for the 13 months I worked at GEPA, I was not a signatory to any of our corporate accounts. I had no mandate to pay even a pesewa either to myself or any body and never paid myself clothing allowance nor received same.
The allegations of payment of an alleged Ghc10,400 for clothing allowance was brought to my attention during an Audit Observation.
I made my salary account available to the Auditors to prove that I never received any clothing allowance.
Why the allegation of receipt of clothing allowance was published and my response not published remains a mystery.
I have formally written to the Auditor General on this and entreat that such outrageous allegations be ignored.
Akilu Sayibu
Former Deputy CEO
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