
I aborted five pregnancies for my Sakawa boyfriend – 24-year-old woman reveals


Justina Donkor, a twenty-four (24) year old lady who resides in Koforidua,the Eastern Regional capital, has recounted how her Sakawa boyfriend convinced her to abort five pregnancies.

‘’I happen to be the eldest among three (3) children. My mother lost her life in a car accident. My dad on the other hand also lost his job due to the emotional trauma he faced after the sudden demise of my mum. My dad, being a single parent found it very difficult in footing my supplementary bills let alone school fees.

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I did not know my ex-boyfriend was into Sakawa. I realized he was into it, after seeing the numerous chat he had with foreigners on social media, the online shopping he made and above all the huge amount of money.

These signals were enough to reveal the kind of person I was dating. After seeing all these, I saw that to be a golden opportunity to make money and cater for myself and my little family. He paid my fees during my senior high school days till I completed university.

And gave excess money which I saved some and used the rest for the upkeep of the family. My Dad’s affection for him grew very strong after knowing that my ex-boyfriend was the one providing for the family.

He did not even bother to enquire where he acquired his wealth. And also saw nothing wrong with our relationship as well.

This made me feel indebted to him. We made love on several occasions without protection. After which he told me his revulsion for condoms. I understood him anyway. I saw nothing wrong with that, and had sex on countless instances without thinking about it.

This resulted in my first pregnancy at age eighteen (18) when I was in my final year in the senior high school. Feeling very nervous of what my dad will do and what people will say when they find out. He convinced me to abort it. I gladly aborted the pregnancy.

Although there were some complications, with the help of a doctor friend, I survived.

Since I was blindfolded by love and its ecstasy, we continued to enjoy our unprotected sex. Two months later, I missed my period. I decided to take a test.

According to Justina, when the result came and turned out to be positive, she told her ex-boyfriend and he suggested another abortion. “I told my ex-boyfriend about the situation at hand.

He seemed very supportive and was anticipating of the name that will be given to the child. Few weeks later, feeling very excited of having the baby, he started behaving funny towards me and that led to the change of his behavior.

Out of the blue, he told me right in the face that, he does not want me to give birth anymore, so I should go for another abortion. I was hysterical and begged him not to make me do it. But he was very insistent and even told me if I do not abort the pregnancy, he is going to quit the relationship.

Knowing the consequences I will face if the relationship comes to an end, I heeded to his advice and had another abortion’’. She unveiled.

Justina who was in tears divulged that, since she was scared of losing her ex-boyfriend to another lady, the fear directed her to abort five pregnancies for him which subsequently led to the removal of her womb. “I have had five abortions for my ex -boyfriend at the age of twenty-three (23).

As a result of that, my womb has been removed due to the complications they came with. He broke up with me when he came to the realization that I could not give birth again.

Now am done with school wishing someone marries me. But no man would like to marry a barren woman as I am now. In view of that, I have decided not to go into any marriage. I do not want another man to suffer for another man’s doings and my mistakes”.

Asked on whether her dad is aware of the removal of her womb, Justina revealed that, her dad is not aware. “My dad is not aware because I cannot inform him the mess I have done to myself. He will never forgive me if he gets to know”. She lamented.

Justina advised the youth especially the ladies to stay away from Sakawa guys. “I want to advice the ladies to desist from these Sakawa guys. They will shower you with money and gifts which will make you lose your sense of reasoning. My love for money has landed me in this situation. I have really regretted and I pray God forgives me for everything I have done”.
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