The caption sounds preposterous, because no political party manifesto or ideology can merit the holy and precious thumb of our Lord Jesus Christ, for His kingdom is impeccably majestic! A kingdom that we should all pray for its advent on earth!

Relative to the caption, how can Nana-Bawumia NPP vote against the recognition of the Holy City_ JERUSALEM as the eternal capital city of Israel; the city, which Jesus Christ WEPT over it and passionately desired to regather it under His protection.
Your regime called God and Christ a bluff with all your persistent multiple anti-God posture and still you are thinking that God will retain your government in the upcoming election? You are tickling yourselves into laughter, because your prophets say God is on the side of your regime!
If Nana Addo had attended Sunday School, Catechism or Youth Camp Meetings in his early life, he would have known that Jerusalem was made capital by King David 300 year back, Solomon built God’s Temple there, Angel Gabriel, Jesus, Mary, Joseph, Isaiah, Jeremiah all the Apostles worshipped there. Jesus’ crucifixion, burial, resurrection, ascension, Pentecost occured there.
Christ, angels and the righteous will return to Jerusalem in His second coming and Christ will be enthroned as the King of kings and Lord of lords right in JERUSALEM there.
Then this Scripture will be fulfilled:
‘But I tell you, do not swear an oath……by JERUSALEM, for it is the city of the Great King (Jesus Christ)’. God says He has put His Name there (Matthew. 5:35).
Ironically, the same Nana Addo had previously gone to pray at the Wailing Wall in the same Jerusalem City for his political victory, which God answered by His common grace!
It is only when God is judging His people that He allows Ungodly (Gentle) Leader to rule over His chosen people. If Bawumia wins this election it will mean God has abandoned Ghanaian hypocritical Christianity!
Will Jesus, Abraham, Moses, David, Elijah, the Apostle, the Church Fathers and JESUS CHRIST vote for Alhaji Muhamadu Bawumia in any election?
In whatever you do, ask yourself, will Jesus do it this way?
Will my vote advance to the course of Christianity?
Will Jesus vote for Alhaji Muhamadu Bawumia?
Philippians. 4:8,9:
And now, dear brothers and sisters, one final thing. Fix your thoughts on what is true, and honorable, and right, and pure, and lovely, and admirable. Think about things that are excellent and worthy of praise. 9 Keep putting into practice all you learned and received from me—everything you heard from me and saw me doing. Then the God of peace will be with you.
STAY TUNED For Part. 6.
Rev. Emmanuel Boachie COUNTRY DIRECTOR of Awsome Bible College and HEADPASTOR of Souls’ Pasture Church Kumasi Asuofua-ACHIASE off Barekese.
+233 (0) 240 37 59 59.

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