The Episode starts with Pragya coming to Aaliya’s room and lie down on the bed. Tanu says Aaliya don’t want anyone to use her bed. Pragya says what she will do and says tomorrow is Swadeentha divasand says Aaliya have to leave now. Tanu gets angry. Pragya says Aaliya treats you badly and says she heard that she was a super model before. She says it will be fun if we stay here, and says sautan sautan sisters. Tanu asks where is Aaliya going? Pragya says she will check first and goes out, sees Aaliya coming. She goes back to Tanu and tells that Aaliya will be arrested tomorrow. Tanu is shocked. Pragya closes the door and says once Aaliya goes, we will distribute her things among ourselves mutually. She says we will toss and decision will be fast. Aaliya hears her and gets inside, asks Munni
if she is planning to send her somewhere.
Pragya says she don’t have mind to do anything and says you will go to jail because of yourself. Aaliya asks why? Pragya says your planning will take you to jail. She says you had planned to kill Disha by making her drink poison, once she is taken to hospital, poison will be found in both conditions, and says family members will doubt you. She says your finger prints will be tested and matched, then you both will go to jail. Aaliya and Tanu imagines their arrest by the Police. Pragya says once your crime is out, Police will arrest you. Pragya says you both will grind the chakki. They imagine whatever pragya says.
Aaliya says if she don’t kill Disha then also can stop her from having suhaagrat. Tanu gets an idea and tells that she will make her have tablets for diarrhoea. Aaliya says she will change the glass. Tanu asks Pragya to go and change the glass. Pragya is shocked and agrees. She is taking drug juice with her, Abhi comes and talks to her romantically. He says he will drink the juice. Pragya says it is not good. Abhi says he needs energy for good performance. Pragya says she will make him drink milk else how he will sing. Abhi gets happy and says they will sing song together. Pragya says later and goes. He thinks if she brings milk then it is yes from her side.
Pragya brings juice back to Aaliya. Aaliya thanks her and throws the poisoned juice. She then keeps the juice mixed with diarrhoea drugs. She asks her to make Disha drink it. Pragya says she can’t take it, as Dadi saw her taking cold drink and questioned her so much. She says if Dadi takes glass from me then she will be in bathroom all night. Aaliya asks Tanu to go. Tanu refuses. Mitali comes there. Pragya and Aaliya looks at her.
Abhi and Pragya dance romantically while a romantic decoration is set up for them.
Abhi and Pragya dance romantically while a romantic decoration is set up for them.
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