
Kumkum Bhagya Episode 756–766–767 Update on Friday 30th June 2017

The Episode starts with Aaliya telling Purab, Dadi and Pragya that she came to know about Purab’s plan through her spy, and did what she is best at. She tells that she has called travel agent. Fb is shown. She asks him to booked tickets for sure and not to give her excuses. She asks him to cancel his passengers and get 4 tickets. She threatens him to trap him in case and asks to get booking. Fb ends. She asks Purab and Pragya to do engagement as Abhi is conservative about such things. She says you will be Abhi’s bhabhi now in his eyes. She asks Tanu to go and sleep, and says she will also get good sleep today, but feeling bad for them as they couldn’t sleep today.
Pragya comes home and tells Sarla that they can’t cancel engagement. Sarla says you said that Purab will cancel engagement.

Pragya says Purab tried to cancel engagement and Abhi got angry on him. She says Aaliya got air tickets for his family and then he has no reason to refuse. Sarla says lets sit and talk. Pragya says her trust is breaking and asks what I will do if Aaliya and Tanu’s trick is successful. Sarla says I am hopeful on your hope. Pragya says we went for shopping today and he made me realize that he loves me. She says I will feel bad if my dreams are broken. Sarla reminds her that she is Abhi’s wife and says Aaliya, Nikhil and Tanu tried to separate you both, but you was like aprotective
shield of Abhi.
She says your relation is made by God. She says I believe on you and asks why she is not believing on herself. She tells that Sita Ji gave agni pariksha being alone, but you have all the family members and asks her not to accept defeat before fighting. She says if you couldn’t stop your engagement then just remember that your mum is alive, and will not let you and Abhi get separated. Pragya gets emotional and hugs her. Sarla asks her to sleep and says she will make her sleep.

Abhi in his sleep sees Pragya and gets up calling fuggi. He thinks why do I think about her everytime, she thinks of me as a friend. He says she is Purab’s fiancé and I shall stop thinking all this, and shall respect her feelings.

He thinks what is happening to me and why I am feeling like someone closer to me is going far from me. Tanu comes and asks what happened? I heard your voice, did you call me. Abhi says no, I called fuggi. He says I felt like someone close to me is going far from me. Tanu says who…I am with you. She says I will sleep in your room tonight. Abhi says we can’t sleep in one room, we are not married yet. Tanu says you have such thinking being a rock star. Abhi asks her to think about Dadi. Tanu says she will take Dadi’s consent. Abhi says then Dadi will not let you stay in the house. He asks her to go. She goes. Abhi thinks he gets more bad dreams about Tanu than sweet dreams of Pragya. He asks himself to sleep rather than being with horrible Tanu.

In the morning, Aaliya is doing arrangements and asks Purab to help her. Abhi comes and tells him that Aaliya is doing everything alone. She asks him to help her doing the arrangements. Purab helps her hesitantly. Abhi tells Purab that Aaliya likes him even now, and if he was not getting engaged to Pragya, then he would have get him engaged to Aaliya. Purab looks at him. Abhi says you are getting a good girl than her. Aaliya asks what do you mean? Abhi goes. Aaliya tells Purab that she will make him get engaged to Pragya. She is very happy for doing wrong with him, but he couldn’t do anything. He goes angrily. Aaliya thinks I like your anger. She says you will be engaged to Pragya, but I will get you at the end.

Pragya is scared about her engagement. Sarla asks why she is scared of them and asks her to face them and think of an idea to stop engagement. She says you have to try and stop your engagement. She says I will bring your breakfast. Pragya asks her to forgive her if she do any mistake today and hugs her. Sarla asks her to have breakfast first.

Pragya comes to Mehra house. Tanu is busy organizing the decorations and calls her. She says I was waiting for you. She says you are going inside, silently and scared. Tanu says engagement party of Purab and Pragya and asks which color to select. She says function is here, so everything should be good, it doesn’t matter if you like it or not. She says you likes Abhi, but we can’t give Abhi to you. People gets things according to their value and status. She says your family gets Purab as damad for Bulbul and then you?

Pragya tells Dadi that she will not accept defeat. Tanu tells Pragya that tonight it will be punishment for her and enjoyable for others.

The Episode starts with Tanu telling Pragya that they don’t care about her likes or dislikes and says this celebration is for our win. She says Purab will make you wear the ring there, we will congratulate you, your family will cry, but act to be happy, and here your pics will be clicked. I will keep some pics of yours to get happy feeling. She says Aaliya said right that few things are punishment for someone and enjoyable for other. She says I thought you some much, and you are silent. Abhi comes and calls Pragya. He asks her why did she come now, and asks where is everyone. Pragya says she came for work and tells about his meetings. Abhi says today there will be only engagement party and nothing else. He asks her to rest there itself. Tanu tells Pragya that she will help her get ready for engagement
and asks her to tell her. Pragya asks about Purab. Abhi says he went to meet Dadi. Pragya says I will go and meet him. She slips and falls on his embrace, thinks why don’t you understand that you are the only one in my heart. Purab thinks about excuse for stopping engagement. He asks shall I pretend to be ill, and fall unconscious.

Dadi says Aaliya and Tanu will not let you close your eyes, they will throw water bucket on you. Purab says I will not open my eyes. Dadi asks him to think something. Purab says if we ask Chacha to pretend to be unwell. Dadi says no. Dasi says I will tell them that my liver is damaged. Dadi asks them to talk something concrete plan. Pragya comes and says I am tensed about today’s engagement. Dadi asks her to sit and says we will try to stop this engagement surely, but if nothing happens then think that you are already married with Abhi, and think that ring doesn’t matter. Purab says we will not be fiancé if we get engaged, our relation will not change, I will always be your brother, you think ring as rakhi. Pragya says she believes on the rituals and loves only Abhi. She says she will not make fun of rituals and will not get engaged today.

Aaliya tells Tanu and Nikhil that they have to be extra alert and have to make this happen. She says I called Nikhil here so that we can keep eyes on Purab, Pragya and Dadi. She asks Nikhil to keep eye on Purab. Nikhil says okay. Aaliya asks Tanu to keep eye on Dadi and says I will keep eye on Pragya. Mitali comes and asks I will keep eye on whom? Aaliya says you have heard us fully. Mitali says I thought some secret meeting is going on here. Aaliya asks her to keep eye on Dasi. Mitali thanks her for giving her official case, and says I will make you feel proud. Aaliya says this engagement will happen today and then a marriage will break, Abhi and Pragya’s love story will end for forever.

In the party, Chachi asks Chacha, if Purab told him anything? He says I didn’t get a chance to talk to Purab. Chachi says he said that he will not marry anyone, but now Bulbul’s sister. Chacha says he is busy and I will talk to him. Purab comes to him and greets them. Chacha asks we were thinking why you was hurrying up for marriage and says we were shocked seeing the bride now. Chachi asks why can’t you call us and inform. She says Abhi called us. His sister tells them Aaliya misbehaved with her and ordered them to come. Chachi says if Pragya is divorced. Chacha asks why you are marrying her. Purab asks them to let him speak. He says it was shocking for me also. He says how to make you understand, and tells that Abhi is having memory loss and then Aaliya…..Aaliya comes there and greets Purab’s family. She says you came at right time. Purab asks her to go and says I was talking to them. Aaliya says you can talk to them later, and asks him to spend time with Pragya. She takes them forcibly. Purab is tensed.
Sarla, Janki and Beeji reach there. Tanu greets them and says now we will enjoy. She says you shall be happy that your daughter will get engaged without any expenses, and your trouble will go to other house without any expenses. Sarla asks her not to worry about her daughter and says one day you will be kicked out from here. Tanu says you are dreaming like your daughter and asks her to come and attend her wedding with Abhi, says we will give shagun return gifts. Sarla tells her that if Pragya gets engages today then she will not let her (Tanu) become Abhi’s wife or anyone’s wife. Tanu is shocked.

Sarla says girl like you shall not marry, else you will marry someone and get pregnant with other’s baby. Tanu asks her to mind her language. Sarla insults her. Aaliya comes there. Sarla says good Aaliya came here, and tells that Tanu provoked her to get insulted. Aaliya asks her to keep her frustration for Pragya’s engagement and takes Tanu with her. Aaliya makes Nikhil meet Abhi. Abhi asks if he is your boyfriend? Aaliya is shocked. Abhi says he is joking. Nikhil says it was a bad joke when that salesman called me boyfriend of Tanu. Abhi says but you was her boyfriend for a moment.

Nikhil tells Aaliya that Purab seems to have accepted his defeat and haven’t called anyone. Aaliya asks him keep eye on Purab. Tanu comes there. Mitali is hiding behind Tanu wearing specs. Aaliya asks have you gone mad and says anyone will know that you are spying. Mitali says yes, nobody shall know. Aaliya asks Tanu about Dadi’s reaction. Tanu says she is normal. Aaliya says Pragya went to room to get ready. Tanu says she will do something with her as if she is lost. Aaliya says her love will lose and hatred will win.

Pragya comes to the hall. Abhi forwards his hand towards her and says I want you to make your inlaws first. Pragya thinks today you will know with whom, my happiness lies. Abhi makes Purab’s family meet Pragya and says he is feeling jealous of Purab, says he is joking. Aaliya says music. Tanu asks Abhi to come and dance with her. Abhi says no, and tells that Purab and Pragya will dance. Pragya says no. Abhi asks them to dance. Pragya and Purab go on the dance floor to dance. Aaliya dances with Nikhil. Pragya and Purab dance together. Tanu takes Abhi to dance floor. Mitali asks Raj to dance with her He says he is not in a mood, but she insists. They go and dance together. Purab asks did you think any plan to stop this engagement. Pragya says not yet, but will stop anyhow. Purab says if we couldn’t win then let the day flow, we will lose today, but will ultimately. Pragya says she won’t let Aaliya win. While dancing, partners are changed. Pragya comes to Abhi, Aaliya to Purab, Tanu to Nikhil. Aaliya hugs Purab. Purab stamps on her foot and apologizes.

Tanu takes her with her. Pragya asks Abhi if he is happy? Purab tells Pragya that he hit on her foot intentionally as she was getting closer to him. Aaliya tells Tanu that he is frustrated and that’s why did this. She says I will take revenge for my pain, and tells that she will preponed their engagement. Tanu asks what you are going to do. Aaliya goes to Pandit and gives him money silently. Pandit ji asks why? Aaliya says it is a kalyug. She tells today’s bride and groom are not having patience, and can’t wait for 1 hour more. She takes him to side and asks him to take out mahurat within 10 mins. Pandit ji says I will not do this, this is wrong. Aaliya tells him that he will get more new 2000 notes. Pandit ji agrees. Tanu says now medicine will not affect or any prayers.

Pragya comes to the kitchen and sees boiling water. She looks on. Pandit ji tells Abhi that mahurat shall start after 2 mins and engagement will happen within 10 mins. Abhi says you said that mahurat will happen after 1 hour. Pandit ji traps him in his words and makes him scared of rahukaal. Abhi says okay and announces that Pragya and Purab’s engagement will happen in sometime. He asks the guests to welcome them. Purab is in Dadi’s room. Sarla comes there. Purab says I can’t tell anything. I am ashamed, and feels apologetic. Sarla asks him not to apologize and says I know that you must have tried to stop this engagement. I was sure that Aaliya and Tanu will not let you succeed, and says her heart is saying that Pragya will stop this engagement somehow. Dadi says yes, she is stubborn to stop this. Dasi says if she does anything wrong.

Mitali comes and asks Purab to come for engagement. Dasi says mahurat is after 1 hour. Mitali says Abhi said that best mahurat is after 2 mins. Purab says I will come and asks her to go. Abhi calls Purab and Pragya’s name. Purab comes there. Abhi says my friend, brother and partner came. He asks him to come. He asks where is Pragya? Purab says if she is not here. I will go and check. Abhi stops him and asks Chachi to bring ring. Ankita bring ring tray. Abhi asks where are you fuggi? He says if you don’t come then I will cut your salary. Mitali says Pragya is here. Abhi says you are still standing there, and asks her to come. Pragya sadly walks towards them, hiding her hand. Aaliya asks Mitali to give ring. Abhi asks her to start the rasam. Mitali asks Pragya to sit. Pragya shows her wounded hand. Abhi gets concerned for her and asks where was your concentration. Pragya thinks she was thinking about him. Abhi says someone please bring ice. Tanu says Pragya played a big game. Pragya faints. Abhi takes her to room.

Sarla asks Tanu and Aaliya to pray that Pragya gets well, else she will do something to make them leave from the house. . .

The Episode starts with Purab and Abhi worrying for Pragya’s injured hand. Abhi asks Purab to call Doctor. He calls Doctor, but doctor is not available. Purab asks Mitali to bring water to sprinkle on Pragya. Mitali goes to get water. Tanu tells Aaliya that Pragya has splashed water on their plans. Mitali comes to them and tells that Abhi is taking special care of Pragya as if he will never leave her hand. Aaliya gets irked and says she did this to stop this engagement. Sarla says you didn’t leave any option left, if brother and sister get engaged? She says if anything happens to Pragya then I will inform Abhi that Pragya is his wife and will expose you both. She asks them to pray that Pragya gets fine, else she will do something and make them leave from the house. Sarla gets angry seeing Nikhil.

Purab tells Abhi that they shall take Pragya to near by hospital. Abhi says I have bandage her hand and she shall gain consciousness now. Mitali brings water. Abhi sprinkles water on her face and asks her to open her eyes. Pragya opens her eyes and says she is fine. Abhi says you are fine, but I am not fine. He asks how your finger is cut? Pragya says I went to kitchen to drink water. She says cook asked for help and I tried to cut the packet, but then you called and I got wounded….Abhi says I was responsible as Pandit ji said that mahurat will be after 2 mins. He apologizes to her. Pragya says it was my mistake. Abhi says I am sorry as engagement can’t happen now. Dadi says your ring finger is hurt. Tanu and Aaliya are shocked. Abhi says I will take best care of yours so that you gets fine soon. He says he is shocked as their engagement couldn’t happen and apologizes to Purab. Purab asks him not to apologize.

Tanu and Aaliya tell that they have to think something else. Nikhil says we shall kill her. Aaliya says you tried to kill her twice, but because of your mistake, we are in this situation. She asks Tanu to tell him to go. Tanu asks him to go.

Purab, Sarla and others bring Pragya home. Beeji tells Janki that Sarla is very angry and will burst her anger now. Sarla tells Pragya that she understood when she saw her injured finger, but you got unconscious then. She says you have hurt yourself so badly that you collapsed. She says I can’t risk your life. Pragya says everyone was asking me to get engaged, but I didn’t want to hurt Bulbul. She says this wound will heal soon, but if engagement would have happened then…..Beeji says Pragya is right. Sarla says you both must be hungry and goes to cook food for them. Purab tells Pragya that Tanu and Aaliya are in shock and will make bigger plan. Pragya says we will not give them chance to come out of this shock.

Next day, Pragya comes to Mehra house and says she will bring his coffee. Abhi asks her to sit and shows special coffee. Pragya asks why? Abhi says I said that I will take care of you and will not let you do any work. He serves her coffee and makes her drink with his hand. Pragya asks who made this? She says it is good. Abhi drinks too and says it is rubbish. Pragya says it is good, and says she will bring file. Abhi says I will bring and goes. He goes inside and asks about the file. Pragya says it is contract file and its color is maroon. Abhi thinks how to find. Pragya comes and asks him to let her search file. She finds file kept above and tries to take the file. Abhi stops her and lifts her in his arms, and asks her not to do any work.

Abhi says if anything happens to you…then . He says there will be no meetings, concerts etc until she is fine. Pragya asks why? Hum Aapke Hai Kaun???? Sanam Re plays……..Abhi looks on clueles. Pragya smiles.

Tanu thinks to make Pragya trap through rocky. She asks Abhi why he is taking care of Pragya and asks him not to give her special attention. Pragya looks on. . .

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