
Kumkum Bhagya Episode 725–726–727 Update on Tuesday 13th June 2017

The Episode starts with Sarla telling Pragya that she tried to inform her about Aaliya’s plan, but she couldn’t as Abhi took her forcibly from there. She says I thought to play the CD anyhow, and talked to Mitali, asking her if it is her children’s birthday today. Mitali says yes. Sarla tells her that Aaliya is on stage, and asks her to play her kids’ CD. Mitali agrees. A fb is shown. Sarla says she agreed and did what I said. Dadi praises her plan. Sarla tells Pragya that she would have trusted her, and listened to her atleast. She regrets for slapping her and says I am a bad mum. Pragya says if you are a bad mum, then I am a bad daughter. She hugs her. Purab asks them to stop their emotional drama, else he will cry. He goes to meet Abhi. Dasi says it was good that Aaliya and Tanu haven’t
come to know about this plan, else they would have made some plan. Dadi says they were ready with their plan.

Abhi thinks who can be Nikita’s enemy who wanted to malign her reputation and tagged her pregnant. Purab comes there. Abhi says he is tired of thinking and asks him to help him. Purab says yes, your secretary is honest and good. Abhi says you was the only one who trusted her and thinks I am her enemy. Purab says that enemy wanted to attack on her image which she built in your eyes. Abhi asks what was their plan, and says I won’t repeat this mistake again and will find out the culprit. They hug each other. Purab thinks it is good that Abhi is trying to find out the truth.

Pragya asks Abhi not to stress himself, and asks him to make three promises to her, else he will go to Palghar. Abhi says okay. Pragya asks him not to take stress, and sleep on time. Abhi asks who will do party then? Pragya asks him to go early and come back early. Abhi says okay, done. Pragya says second promise, you will eat the food made at home quietly. Abhi says he can’t eat all veggies. Pragya threatens to go. Abhi agrees and asks about third promise. Pragya says I will ask when right time comes. Abhi says I am saved. He says you are not only my secretary, but my support system. He says my factory can’t run without you, and I would have promisedyou marriage seven vows to you if you had asked. Allah Wariyan plays…..Pragya stares him. Abhi asks shall I read the first vow. Pragya asks him to sleep now and says she is going home. Abhi asks her to stay at home, and asks shall I come with you. Pragya says it seems I shall go to Palghar. Abhi says okay, good night and sweet dreams. He asks her not to come in his dreams and break his sleep. Pragya asks him to go and change clothes.

Tanu asks Nikhil and Aaliya to stop fighting. Nikhil says you will not win until your stupid friend is with you. He says you would have stopped that CD . Tanu says she didn’t know about that. Nikhil says she should have done proper planning. They fight. Pragya comes there and claps. She says she is seeing their lost effect and asks them to get habituated to lose again. She says I have changed my plan, I will make you people feel pain. She says I am not secretary, but I am his wife. She asks them to do marriage planning with Abhi, and says she will stop the marriage and make Abhi hers. She says I have returned here as his wife and asks Nikhil to leave else she will kick them out. She asks him to get out of her house. Aaliya asks her to stop it and says Abhi don’t identify you as his wife. She says you are mad at one sided relation, and says I will kick you out during his marriage. Pragya says I can’t bear him in my house. Aaliya says this is not your house. Pragya says this is my house and I will decide who will come here or not.

Aaliya says you are speaking to guest like this. Pragya says you both are guest here, and asks them to thank her as she is not kicking her out. She says he didn’t remember anything, but I remember everything. She asks him to leave else her hand is enough for him. Nikhil goes. Tanu tells Aaliya, what happen happened to Pragya today. If Chandi came in her. Aaliya says don’t know, if Abhi sees her talking like this, then what we will answer. Nikhil asks Pragya to leave his hand and asks what do you think, am I a calf? He asks her to show the strength and kick her out. Aaliya says you don’t have strength. Tanu asks Nikhil not to get worried and says she can’t kick you out. She is just alone, but we are three. Pragya says you can be three, but I have mind who is forced to think about you people. She says I can shout and call Abhi. I will tell him that he was misbehaving with me and you both haven’t stopped him. They get shocked. Nikhil decides to leave.

Aaliya asks Nikhil to go. Nikhil is shocked and says she is just bluffing. She can’t do anything. Tanu asks him to go. Nikhil says I am going now, but will return with a new plan. Pragya asks him to make any plan, but blast will happen from her side. Aaliya signs him to go. Pragya looks at them and goes.

Abhi tells Dadi that someone tried to ruin Nikita’s image and he will not leave that person. Dadi asks him not to let his image spoil in Nikita’s eyes, and says I am with you…

The Episode starts with Abhi asking Dadi what is in that report? He thinks when I brought Nikita here, Doctor declared her pregnant. Dadi gives example to Abhi, and says even she thinks her life can’t run without you, and she might think you more than a boss. Abhi asks do you think like this? Dadi says I can see and says she has same respect in her life for you, which she has for God. He says she doesn’t know that you are God of her heart and that’s why she does your aarti and comes to your house to see you in the morning. Abhi looks on surprisingly and says you are making black and white film in this era. Dadi says she might see her hero in you and that’s why she cried when you scolded her. Abhi says I did wrong with her and have broken her trust. Dadi says she cried a lot. Abhi says Nikita’s
mum have rectified her mistake, and now it is my turn. I will not leave that person. Dadi says her image is ruined and asks him not to let his image break in her eyes. She does his tika in air. Abhi thanks her and says he will become her raja. Dadi thinks what Aaliya and Tanu will do now.

Pragya comes there and sees Abhi waken up early in the morning. She gets impressed. Abhi asks what do you think of me? Tell me. Pragya sees cockroach and shouts cockroach. Abhi says you think me as cockroach. Pragya says it is there. Abhi also jumps seeing cockroach. Both of them get scared and sit on sofa. Pragya takes out her chappal and says she will beat cockroach. She throws her chappal and then asks her shoes. Abhi asks do you want cockroach to bite me and I shall die. Pragya says it is cockroach and not scorpion. He gives his shoe. Pragya hits cockroach and it runs away. Abhi is glad. Pragya brings his shoe and makes him wear it. She falls on him. Abhi says I will get drown Sanam with you and smiles. Pragya also blushes. Tanu sees their romance and gets jealous. She says their romance have started. Abhi says you looks good when smiling. He says Dadi told me so much about you, that you idolised me as God, and when I don’t respect you then you cry. Tanu thinks what they are talking? Pragya asks what else? Abhi says much more and goes. Pragya thinks what did she tell him. Tanu thinks to follow Pragya.

Pragya comes to Dadi and asks what did you tell Abhi? Dadi sings song. Pragya asks what did you tell him? Dadi tells everything which she told Abhi. Tanu hears them. Pragya and Dadi hug each other. Tanu thinks Dadi wants to cut her wings.
Abhi talks to Purab and says he will meet the doctor. He says she have to tell me who is the person behind the conspiracy. Aaliya thinks to do something else she will be ruined. Tanu comes there and collides her head with hers. She says she has a shocking news with her. Aaliya says she has more important news and says Abhi will not listen to them now as he went to meet Doctor. Tanu is shocked. Aaliya says I have done this to get you married and is trapped. Tanu says we both are trapped. Aaliya takes Tanu’s phone and calls him, but he don’t pick the call. Aaliya asks Tanu to come with her to meet Doctor. Abhi and Purab are going to the doctor’s house. Abhi says that doctor have to tell me else I will make her say everything. Purab says once we get her enemy’s name then he/she will not be saved. Abhi says how did her enemy know that I brought her home. Purab says that enemy is our family member. Abhi suspects Aaliya and Tanu’s hand and recalls how they illtreated her. He says only Aaliya and Tanu hates her. Aaliya and tanu come to the doctor’s house and forcibly enter her room. They see her talking on phone and planning a holiday.

Aaliya scolds her for planning a holiday after ruining her plan. She tells her that Pragya’s mum came to her house with spycam and did strong operation with her. She asks why did you open your mouth infront of her. Doctor says I did a mistake by helping you, and says I will tell truth to your brother. She says your friend have spoile life. Aaliya looks tensed.

Purab tells Aaliya that Abhi will get to know about their truth and will punish them.

The Episode starts with Doctor asking Aaliya to take her money and leave. Aaliya asks if she wants more money. Doctor tells her that she don’t want any money. Purab gets Pragya’s call. He informs Pragya that they are going to Doctor’s house. He asks her to pray that Aaliya and Tanu’s truth to come out infront of Abhi. Pragya asks him to take care of Abhi and worries about him. Abhi asks Purab to come. Pragya thinks even though Abhi doesn’t remember her, but he is fulfilling all vows of marriage. She is hopeful. Tanu tells Doctor that she loves Abhi very much. Doctor says Abhi’s life will be ruined if he marries you, and says I will tell him truth. Aaliya asks if you will get an award, and scolds her. She says Tanu will marry Abhi and she will see who will stop the wedding. She says I
am his sister and Tanu is his lover, he will forgive us, but he will not forgive you. She asks her to think before doing anything. They hear the door bell. Abhi enters the room. Aaliya says she will stop them. Servant tells Abhi that two girls entered inside forcibly.

Abhi and Purab are shocked to see Aaliya and Tanu there. Purab smiles. Abhi asks what you both are doing here? Purab thinks they are caught red handed, and thinks criminals and judge are both here. Abhi says Aaliya what she is doing here? Aaliya says actually…Purab says may be Doctor is their old friend and you are cross questioning them. He says may be they came for some work. Tanu thinks Purab will trap them. Aaliya thinks Purab is instigating Abhi against them. Tanu thinks now nothing can be done, and asks herself to do something.

She tells Abhi that she doesn’t know why they came here. She asks him to wipe his sweat on his forehead and wipes it with her handkerchief. Purab comes to Aaliya and asks where is that doctor. Aaliya says she is not here. Purab says your game is over, now Abhi will know your truth. Even I don’t know what Abhi will do with you both. He says Doctor will give your name to Abhi, and then he will know your intentions. He says everything will be revealed to Abhi. He asks her to let him go else he will tell Abhi that she is not letting him go. Aaliya and Tanu are tensed.

Pragya massages Dadi’s back. Dasi asks when will my turn comes. Pragya tells her that Abhi went to meet that doctor. Dadi says now nobody can separate them and I will make Pragya massage me daily. Pragya says you want me for massage. Dadi says yes. Dasi asks her to open head massage parlour for them. Pragya acts to be upset. Dadi says we were just joking and says you are not daughter in law, but a daughter. I can’t live without you.
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Aaliya thinks she shall do last try, and should clear herself in Abhi’s mind. She tells Abhi that they didn’t know this doctor and came to know who had trapped Nikita. Abhi says I will ask Doctor what you are doing here. Aaliya says I am saying naa. Abhi says Purab will bring her. Tanu asks why Aaliya is lying? Aaliya thinks why Tanu is making faces and will be caught. Purab tells Abhi that Doctor ran away in car. Aaliya smirks and blames Purab for letting her run. Purab gets angry. Aaliya tells Abhi that she will get that doctor punished. She tells Purab that she is Aaliya Mehra and praises herself. She says love you.

Sarla and Beeji are talking. Pragya comes home and tells Sarla that Aaliya and Tanu couldn’t let Abhi know their truth when he went to enquire with the Doctor. Aaliya tells Tanu that they shall make a smart move. Beeji tells Pragya that truth will come out eventually and can’t be hidden for long. Pragya says she stopped believing on this thing. Sarla tells Pragya that she should be happy as Abhi wants to clear her image and respect. She says Abhi will not leave Aaliya and Tanu now, and asks her to have some more patience. Beeji asks Sarla to go and help Janki, and asks Pragya to come with her.

Tanu tells Aaliya that she was relaxed when she heard Purab telling that she ran away. She asks how did y you manage to make her go. Aaliya says even she was tensed and tells Doctor was scared and that’s why left. She says she called Doctor and came to know that she went to her hometown and asked us to settle down this matter soon. She says we have to make Pragya go from here.

Tanu asks Abhi why he is taking Pragya to select mangalsutra for her. Abhi says she is her secretary. Pragya says she can’t come. Aaliya asks Pragya to go with Abhi being his secretary. .

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