
Jodha Akbar Episode 209–210 Update on Monday 19th June 2017

Scene 1
jashn starts, resham dances, jalal, jodha smile. ruks says to jalal that this never
happened earlier, what was the need, she is just a eunuch, jalal says i am stunned

that you are talking like this, hoshiyar served you alot, she says yes but she not my
friend, ruks says to jalal that hoshiyar served me alot but i cant ignore that he is just
a eunuch and he should be put in his right place, jalal looks at jodha and says you
are everyone should be put in their right place they deserve., but i think eunuch have
emotions too, ruks says lets go to have dinner, jalal says i will eat here only, ruks
says how you can eat here, he says i came here so will eat here, jalal ask about
maham? resham says she went to dargah to pray for you, ruks says she think you as
her son.

Scene 2
maham comes to dargah, she prays. she looks around and goes in dark, she drapes
shawl and comes out of dargah from back side, she goes in jungle. she meets some
man and orders him something, he opens gate of some hut, she goes in.

Scene 3
dilawar is washing hands by rubbing, jalal sees it and thinks that why she is washing
like hindu when she is muslim, dilawar sit for dinner and its chicken in dinner, she is
skeptical to eat it, jalal notices it. ruks ask jalal where you are lost, lets eat something,
resham ask dilawar to eat, she says i have to go to bakshi, resham says lets have
something 1st, she tastes sweetdish, jalal thinks that there is something wrong with
maham comes out of hut with some note in hand. maham comes in palace, she lits
fire, javeda comes and ask what are you doing, she ask what are you burning,
maham says love letters, javeda says you are loving someone in this age, maham
says yes, javeda says who sent you this, maham says its from heaven, javeda says
thats why you go to market alot these days, javeda informs her about jashn pf
hoshiyar khan, maham says i am chief minister i am not that cheap to go there,
javeda says i will go there so ruks may like me, maham says yes you look like
eunuch, javeda says what, she says you are maham’s DIL you cant go there, javeda
says all have eunuch but you dont allow me to have them as servant, maham says i
got to know that i am biggest fool to question you, she gors out, javeda says she
shouldnt have said herself fool.

Scene 4
maham comes to jalal, jalal says i want to ask a muslim can do mistake in his
prayers or his style of washing, maham says a true muslim cant do mistake in his
prayers, jalal says i got to know something about dilawar. dilawar is brought inside
by soldiers, jalal ask who are you? he says i am dilawar, jalal says you are not
dilawar niether muslim, dilawar says i am not muslim by birth, it was my past, i
changed my religion, jalal says why didnt you tell me? he says i changed my religion
to earn so i didnt tell you, maham ask with whom you were working before, he says
with some chandar, dilawar says i have to go to bakshi she was about to fall today
jalal says go to her right now, he leaves. jalal says to maham to keep an eye on her,
she says okay.

Scene 5
jalal is standing near balance, jodha comes there, jalal says i want to be alone for
sometime leave me, he says i am saying you again to leave me, jodha says when i
was confused to take harem’s responsibilbity you helped me out, you brought
confidence in me that shehenshah is with me, my husband is with me you solved my
problem, jalal says i will find way for my problem, jodha says pain lessen by sharing,
i am your wife share with me, jalal says its not important to share everything with
wife, jodha says then there is trust lack between them, jalal remembers jodha with
that man(suja). jodha says tell me your problem, jalal says i am not worried, jodha
says i can be wrong but hamida also said that you are worried, she asked me to talk
with you, jalal says so you came on her wish, jodha says why you take wrong
impression of every talk, jalal says why dont you leave me, he leaves. jodha is hurt.

Scene 6
in morning, jalal comes to meet adham, adham informs him about win of malwa,
jalal ask about pir mohammad, atgah informs that pir mohammad died in winning
malwa, adham says the day after war, baaj bahudur’s men attacked us, i tried to
save him but couldnt, he recalls how he killed pir, jalal says we will take revenge,
jalal says why my loyal people are going away from me, he prays to have mercy.
adham meets maham, she says you are using your brain these days, maham says

take every step after thinking, javeda comes aqnd hugs him infront of maham, she
ask him to go with her, she takes him away. maham laughs and says adham did
great work, i want jalal to throw jodha out, i have to put doubt hatred in jalal’s mind
against jodha.

PRECAP- maham tells ruks that whom jodha use to meet in night is a rajvanshi, he is
in harem now as eunuch, he is working for bakshi, ruks is stunned.

Scene 1
jodha is feeding piegoens, she says to moti that jalal is angry these days, i thought to
ask forgiveness from jalal about pushing him, jalal says to maham that i dont know
whether there was trust between us, how can i ask her when she wants to hide it.
jodha says to moti that i will tell jalal that i have developed feelings for him, moti says
go and tell him right now, jalal says to maham that i cant doubt her but her hiding
this thing is eating me inside.
in court, maham informs jalal that adham won war and he has come with money,
jalal says we lost peer and i know bahudur is alive so he can attack malwa so we
should decide new minister of malwa, he says its abdullah, adham fumes, jalal says i
believe on atgah’s choice, abdullah says i will never disappoint you, jalal says to
adham to see some other states which have problemsof war, jalal leave, adham is
angry and looks at maham.

Scene 2
adham’s men says that atgah is behind all this and why your mom didnt say
anything, maham says i dont have right to talk infront of jalal, adham says i win
wars, i brought money but they give ministry to others, jalal is only following atgah,
he says to maham that jalal only think you as child caretaker, you just him your milk
so he gave you ministry, you are just a servant, adham says i am out of limit so just
go, she ask shahab to make adham understand, he says adham is right, adham says
now i am in open war with jalal, he says if you are my mother then just dont come in
my way, i will not leave atgah, he walk like jalal’s shadow, i will kill him, maham
says i wanna talk to you alone, all leaves. maham says i will not suggest anything i
only promise you that i will give you throne of dehli, adham says for that i have to kill
jalal, maham says without killing him i will win it for you, just five me time, adham
says i am fed up of your time, he says enough now, i dont believe you, he leaves.
maham cries and says i have to snatch dehli throne from jalal and have to give it to
adham, i have to play my game now. she wipes her tears.

Scene 3
ruks comes to maham and says i came to give you shock about jalal and jodha, she
says jalal and jodha are distanced, hoshiyar informed me, maham says she is under
jodha, ruks says she is loyal to me only, she is with jodha just to give me updates,
maham says you are great, maham says you get to know whom jodha is meeting,
ruks says i dont care but just want jodha to keep meeting him so jalal have doubt,
maham says now i will give you shock. maham tells ruks that whom jodha use to
meet in night is a rajvanshi who is in palace right now. ruks says its impossible, how
he can enter palace, maham says he is in harem , ruks says outsider, a man is in
harem, maham says last shock is that he is disguise of eunuch and working under
bakshi, his name is dilawar, he came for jodah’s love, ruks says we will tell jalal, he
will throw jodha out, maham says have patience, she says jodha can say that she
doesnt know abut him, she says when jodha will be having love talk with him then we
will make jalal see it, it will be good to catch her red handed, ruks ask how will you
do that, maham says so listen to my new plan, She tells her plan which is muted.

Scene 4
dilawar is in bakshi’s room, she is sleeping, dilawar thinks that jalal have doubt on
me have to find that man otherwise there will be no use of this risk, sharif comes and
says my wife is sleeping, he says her resting is good for me, he ask dilawar to bring
his coat, she brings it and make him wear it, he says when bakshi wakes up tell her
that came. he leaves. bandhi informs dilawar that you are being called by maham.
maham says to artist that today is your test you have to make a potrait which i will
tell you, she tells her som ething in mute, dilawar comes there, maham says from
today you will be serving ruks not bakshi, she says i have appointed another bandhi
for bakshi so you go to ruks, suja thinks that when jalal was asking question she was
also there so she have doubt on me. he leaves. maham says to artist to make
painting of her, she ask why you want painting of eunuch? maham says how dare
you question me, do your work.

Scene 5
ruks says i have taken jewelry give this to bakshi and salima, bandhi ask about
jodha, ruks says i didnt said her name so how dare you questioned me. dilawar
comes there, ruks thinks that he is that rajvanshi whom jodha meet in night, she says
i wanted to meet you, i mean i listened that you are good worker, she says i am tired
massage my feet, she thinks if he is rajvanshi then he will never touch it, suja thinks
that i will die but will never touch feet of mughal.

PRECAP- maham shows painting of dilawar with beard and mustache to jalal, he
remembers jodha meeting same man, maham says he is same man whom jodha
meets in night.
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