
Jodha Akbar Episode 134–135 Update on Wednesday 17th May 2017

Jo asks Jalal to stop , She tells her I wanted to thank you for realeasing , why did’nt you punish me why didn’t you taunt me I can’t bear this silance , Jalal says yes Silcane kills , you know what when Hakim was waiting for Shivani to return He was silent , had to go through so much , He says I unserstand that It was not his fault , It was Shivani and her husband tej ‘s gustakhi , I will find them and punish them , IT is shivani and I will not leave her ..Jo is about to say some thing Jalal become angry and then remembers hakim’s words ,sometime you can’t hurt someone even if you want to , and when that happen its love , Jalal calm down ..
In jail Shaifuddin gets information about Abu mali’s spy who is in the mahal and a threat for Jalal’s life , Its Ben ..Shaifuddin asks the man to inform Jo to meet him immidiately ..
zakira is worried that she has ran out of poisions snakes , if Ben come to know about she may kill her , Ben is unwell and screaming at Zakira for not getiing her dose , Zakra informs her , Ben is restless , Jo hears some he screaming and wondering who it could be ..
MA is with Ruq , Ruq is asking her what happened to Jalal , how can he released Bharmal and let him go to Amer , Ma is also surprised and saying she couldn’t understnd Jalal punished Shaifuddin But couldnot punish Bharmal .I think it is related to JO and I fear she is coming close to Jalal , you have to something .. Ruq asks what MA tells her she should use Ben for this .. That time a baandi informs that Jo’s baandi is here , MA says tell them to get lost , Ruq says she ould meet them as they are JO’s baandi ..
Baandi comes to MA and request for chuti for shiv ratri , MA says they won’t get it ..They request saying Jo has kept puja and they want to go there , MA insults them saying for hindu puja they can’t get any chutiJo comes to meet Shaifuddin , He informs her that its ben who is been sent by Abu mali to kill Jalal , JO become angry and says she would throw her out immidiately , Shaifuddin tells her that she should catch her red handed .. Jo become worried and leaves sying she needs to go immidiately , After she leaves shaifuddin smils thinking so soon you become scared , what will happen when you will come know about my feelings for you and gives a wicked smile ..
Jo comes to her room and asks Moti to come along with her , Moti asks where ? She says ever since I came to know that its ben who is threat to jalal’s life , Moti tells her she told her before that she should not meet Shaifudding this may create problem in her and Jalal , Jo says I remember Ben has come form Abu mali’s Harem so we have to so something .. Moti says don’t beleive Saifu ..That time a baandi comes and informs that jalal has called everyone it seem he preparing for a war , Jo is worried war with whom?
Jalal is addresses the royal gathering , He says it seem our enemy has planed to strike on us before they come forward I want we will strike them , He says for this I want my brother hakim to go and fight this Jung , MA and Ak is thinkg Haikm is so small how can he give such a big responsibilty .. Jalal says I know some of you are thinking he is young to be sent for this war but let me remind you , he is also Mughal and Like i did in young age he will aloso prove he can win this war , then he says i would like to send Maan singh long with hiim , Jo smiles , Maan singh thank Jalal for choosing him for this work ..He says he would like to take his buasa’s ashrivad before leveaing for jung .. He comes to Jo and takes her shrivad Jo tells him that rememner who is your father and how he fought to protect Jalal’s life similarly you have to protect Hakim’s life ..Maan singh says He will not let down the Rajvanshi clan ..
Hameeda asks Jalal why is he sending hakim for this jung ? Jalal tells him he is also worried for hakim but he knows his blood which is a mughal would chose to fight no matter what kind of mental state he is in ..
Precap: Hakim is with Jalal is war dress , He is telling Jalal that whtever feeling he has he has to say that otherwise he will never get peace of mind . Jalal seemed lost in thought ..
Jalal gets Hakim ready for the war.He gives him motivation and provides him with certain key points to which he must pay attention. Hakim takes all that into into account,but before he leaves he asks Jalal one sensitive question.
He tells him that he was sending him on battle so that he could forget about Shivani’s betrayal by immersing himself into war,but that’s for Hakim. Why was Jalal looking so stressed? He never is stressed during a war,he never is angry. Instead,he is confident and proud everytime,unlike this time. What was troubling him?something else seemed to cloud his thoughts. What was it? This wasn’t because of the war,but something else.
Hakim was feeling the pressure because of the heart-break,but what is bothering Jalal? Does he love someone too? Jalal denies it straight-forward,stating he doesn’t have a heart. When Hakim pressurized him to give an answer,it angers him,he firmly tells him to concentrate on the war and he then leaves.
Meanwhile Adham is telling Maham how angry he was with this whole situation. Jalal should have sent him instead of Hakim. Hakim could hardly take care of himself a the time,since Shivani’s eloping,how can he handle a war?Maham justifies Jalal’s decision of sending Hakim. A wounded tiger is much more dangerous,she says. That’s why Jalal sends Hakim,he was 10 times more worthy now. He sent Maan Singh to accompany him so that he even he could gain some experience.
Maham adds on to say that the one quality she admires Jalal’s for is the fact that-once he holds someone’s hand,the stands by them till the end. This is one quality Adham should try and learn.
Cut to,Jalal is confused about his feelings,as he recalls what Hakim said to him. As he walks along,he comes across Jodha’s chamber and he watches her as she does the aarti. He is frustrated at himself for being so disoriented lately because of Jodha. Just then,a maid comes and asks him if he wanted her to announce his arrival to Jodha,he says no need,instead he tells her to tell Ruqaiya that he would spend the night with her.
As he walks past her chamber,Atga Khan comes to meet him. Jalal discusses about his decision to send Hakim to Chandeli instead of Adham. He tells Atga that this was a much needed distraction for Hakim. Atga agrees and he also that Hakim was a good soldier,he is very much capable of handling the war at Chandeli. Jalal nods and then moves onto to discuss to more strategies. One,he had decided to send Adham to put an end to Baj Bahadur’s bagawat. This was also one of the reason he had chosen to not send Adham to Chandeli,because he wanted him to handle Bahadur.
Next,Jalal discusses another important issue with Atga(this part is muted,they just show them talking)
Meanwhile,Jodha is wondering how to tell Jalal about Benazir. Just then,Rahim arrives here with a set of riddles,which she wanted Jodha to solve. A set of sentences with hidden words. Jodha traces the first and last letters to solve them. After he leaves,she tells Moti how convenient childhood is,not a worry about the world! And Rahim is such a wonderful boy,he keeps coming to her with his set of riddles. As she went on speaking,she recalls what Hakim had said about Benazir’s letter. She immediately writes down the couplet which Benazir had written in that letter,the one Hakim had told her.
As she traces the first letters,she finds out the hidden message “kaam abhi hua nahi”
She then goes to meet Benazir (who was pseudo vomiting again) and she asks her about the letter. Benazir denies. Jodha threatens her that if she doesn’t tell,she will take the matter to Jalal.Benazir says fine,go ahead.The letter was already shown to Jalal,and she was proven innocent.
Jodha then leaves,just then she hears some noise from outside. As everyone hurries outside,they see that a man was chained and was being brought inside along with many soldiers. It was Abul Maali. Jalal had got to know that he was in Agra,so Jalal had sent his spies to keep an eye on him,to catch him red-handed.
This is what Jalal had discussed with Atga Khan earlier that day(the part which was muted). Jalal tells Abul that he had been stupid to assume that he wouldn’t get caught. He orders that he be presented in the Deewaan-e-Khaas(DEK).
Zakira sees all this and goes to inform Benazir about Abul’s capture.Benazir is shocked and worried.
In the DEK,Jalal orders that he be put behind bars. Abul didn’t show even a bit of remorse.Jalal tells him to give names of Abul’s spies. Abul refuses. Jalal mocks him by saying that it looked like Abul doesn’t fear death. Abul tells him that he was well aware of the dangers. Jalal says “Oh!That’s very good then. Take rest in the jail until I decide what to do next with you.”
As he leaves,Jalal takes an oath to find the spy.
While Jalal left the DEK along with a few ministers of his,Ruqaiya and Jodha run behind him. When Ruqaiya tries to talk to him,he rashly tells her that he didn’t have time to talk to anyone at the moment and signals her to leave.
Jodha tries next,so Jalal tells her that he hoped that she had heard what he told to Ruqaiya. Jodha tells him but the matter was important. Jalal gets angry and turns around. Jodha tells him that this was about Benazir.
Jalal looks at her and tells her that ofcourse,again the same issue. You want to tell me that she is dangerous because she is from Abul’s harem,isn’t it? Jodha nods. Jalal adds on by saying,there were 19 other baandhis from Abul’s harem and he has kept an eye on all of them. Moreover he would know about Benazir’s intentions more,because he has spent time with her. Much more time than what he has spent with Jodha.
Precap : Jodha tells Jalal that she wanted to keep the shivraatri vrat for him,for his safety etc. Jalal retorts by saying he had 3 good reasons why she should not 1)Nothing will happen to him.He will be safe at any cost.So she need not worry. 2)He doesn’t believe in vrats. If he has to die,he will die. 3) When she doesn’t even consider Jalal to be her husband,what was her point in keeping the vrat?
Moti says to jodha that mali is arrested then whats tension now, jodha says benazir i dont know what happens to jalal when he listens jalal’s name, she is dangerous and as his wife its my duty to protect him. Moti says that she takes command from mali but now he is inn arrest so she might run away too. She says that dasiz has prepared for shubratri puja and you should do Fast(vrat) as it strong hubby wifey relation , jodha is happy and comes out. moti says to tell jalal about your fast, jodha says he doesnt listen to me. Jalal comes there, jodha stops him and says today is puja and i am doing fast, jalal says after what happened to my brother there remains no need for all this, jodha says i have said sorry many times. Jodha says i promised masa that i will do vrat for you. Jalal says 1st i dont need vrat for my safety, 2ndly i dont believe in vrat and all for safety and third when you dont accept me as husband then why this vrat for me? jodha is speechless. jalal leaves. Jodha says i know i didnt accept you as husband but i am not doing this fast as per masa’s order but i am doing this for your safety.
Moti says to jodha that mali is arrested then whats tension now, jodha says benazir i dont know what happens to jalal when he listens jalal’s name, she is dangerous and as his wife its my duty to protect him. Moti says that she takes command from mali but now he is inn arrest so she might run away too. She says that dasiz has prepared for shubratri puja and you should do Fast(vrat) as it strong hubby wifey relation , jodha is happy and comes out. moti says to tell jalal about your fast, jodha says he doesnt listen to me. Jalal comes there, jodha stops him and says today is puja and i am doing fast, jalal says after what happened to my brother there remains no need for all this, jodha says i have said sorry many times. Jodha says i promised masa that i will do vrat for you. Jalal says 1st i dont need vrat for my safety, 2ndly i dont believe in vrat and all for safety and third when you dont accept me as husband then why this vrat for me? jodha is speechless. jalal leaves. Jodha says i know i didnt accept you as husband but i am not doing this fast as per masa’s order but i am doing this for your safety..

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