
Jodha Akbar Episde 183–184 Update on Friday 2nd June 2017

Scene 4
Jodha comes at sight, jalal says so special wife is here after so much wait, he smiles seeing her, jodha says sorry for be late, jalal says no problem today i came to knew that how pleasure it is to wait for someone special, he offers his hand to go in boat, jodha hesitatingly gives her hand into jalal’s hand. ruks comes there and is shocked to see jodha with jalal.
PRECAP- jalal and jodha are siting in boat, jalal thinks first she called me for this ride at night and now she is not saying anything, jodha thinks same that he caled me here but why is he silent, they both say together that will you not say anything, both laughs, jalal says something is common between us.
Scene 1
jalal and jodha are siting in boat, jalal thinks first she called me for this ride at night and now she is not saying anything, jodha thinks same that he caled me here but why is he silent, they both say together that will you not say anything, both laughs, jalal says something is common between us. Jodha ask what do you mean, jalal says like we both like ride of boat, jodha says yes i like this sky, water and all, she says you become totally changed after coming out of palace, jalal says you also behave like stubborn in palace, jodha says you are taunting here too, jalal says its childhood habit, jodha laughs, jalal says you like me teasing you thats why you called me here. In palace, ruks slaps bandhi who sent ruk’s message to jalal, she slaps hoshiyar too, she says how can jodha know about it, she ask bandhi how much money you took from jodha, she says i am your bandhi i didnt do anything, maham comes and why are you here, maham ask all to go out, she says control your self, i had seen she gave your message to shahabbuddin that specail begum had sent the message, jalal thinks jodha as special, jodha took advantage of it, son she will take your place, ruks says what are you saying, maham says maintaining your position is difficult, there is still time, stop jodha, ruks says i will not forgive jodha now
Scene 2
Jodha says i didn call you, you called me here, jalal thinks its happening again that 1st she called then denies it, he smiles, jodha ask why is he smiling, he says its very difficult to understand you begums, to understand that you no is actually is yes. Sharif beats his soldier for not telling about jalal going out so that he could have attacked him. he kills him Jalal says you say something ese and means something else, he stops, jodha ask what happened, he says pipe coming out from water, he ask them to come out of water, soldiers come out and says atgah had sent us, jalal says tell him that i safe, jodha says how much atgah care for you, he says alot, jodha says how yu got to know, how much eyes you have? he says earlier it was and now 4, he says i am soldier and i deal with enemies most so i know these things, jodha says your own loves you alot, jalal says but i have to keep up the respect of my sword, he says thanks for calling him here, jodha says i didnt call you, jalal says i know your yes and no, jodha says i didnt send any message to you, jalal says that mean someone else sent it, jodha ask why? he says many like to see us together, he offers apple to jodha, jalal is smiling all the time, jodha smiles looking at him (in ankhoon main plays). Scene 3 Ruks is looking at her gift, hoshiyar comes and ask you didnt sleep, ruks says how can i sleep, jodha snatched it and jalal always goes to her. she ask did they came back, hoshiyar says yes a little while ago. Jodha is praying to kahna and says why i am feeling distracted, ruks comes and says you think yourself very clever or me as fool, jodha ask what do you mean? ruks says dont act naive, yesterday i arranged everything to with him on boat and you went with him, you earlier played chess with him when he was there to play with me, jodha says jalal called there i didnt, ruks says now you are putting jalal in all this, ok lets go, he will decide, she drags her but jodha says i can walk, they leave. Maham sees them and smirks that now it will be fun.
Scene 4
Ruks and jodha comes to jalal, ruks says i want one decision from you, jalal ask what happened, ruks drags jodha, she says jodha said lie to you, she snatched my opportunity, ruks says i sent you message that i want to go on boaet ride with you but jodha planted and sent message by her name, jalal says i just replied message to special wife thinking its jodha, he calls shahbuddin, he says message was that special begum wants to go otu, ruks ask why said jodha’s name then, did you forget that i ma special wife, he says jalal gave this position to salima and jodha.

 jalal was going out everywhere with jodha so i thought its jodha, he leaves, jalal says it was just misunderstanding, ruks says why this punishment for me, jalal ask you have still that position, you could have come to me why this message and why you used special wife word, ruks says i thought you would understand that only i can send this message, but jodha has become special wife. she leaves. Jodha is about to leave but jalal stops her holding her hand, he makes her sit, she says i am sorry for whatever happened, jalal says there are about 5000 wives and dasiz in palace, but ruks is right at her place, think if you make arrangements for our meeting, you decorate everything but if i go out with other wife the, jodha says then i will feel very bad, jalal says then whats the difference between you and ruks, she says i will not feel bad about my position but about my love, i will feel that my love has been disrespected, jalal broadly smiles at this, jodha gets awre of what she blurt out, she leaves from there, jalal is smile like anything.
PRECAP-Ruks says mazhar and ruksnana’s nikkah is arranged, jodha says but it was arranged in childhood now mazhar loves azziza, ruks says love is just showoff, real thing is friendship, mazhar have to accept ruksans only.
Scene 1
Ruks fumes and ask hoshiyar to make darkness in room, she lies down and ask hoshiyar who is special wife according to you, he says you, she says then why jalal think it is jodha, he cant see anyone else infront of her, whats in her that he thinks she is always right, dont know when jalal will know her real face, she is doing conspiracy like putting her life in danger for jalal, she has bigger plans and jalal also believes her, didnt he remember that jodha used to hate him. Ruk is disturbed by a commotion in the harem, two bandhiz are fighting. Hoshiyar tries to settle the matter but they are having fisticuffs.. Ruks is furious ..She goes there to stop them fighting. There are fighting that mazhar was supposed to get married to ruksana since childhood but another bandhi fell for Mazhar. The other bandhi says mazhar is in love with her. She pleads jodha to look into it. ruksana says our relation was arranged in childhood only.

Ruks says she is incharge of harem she has decided mazhar will marry ruksana, other bandhi says i cant accept your decision. The bandhi says that mazhar is not part of harem and you are incharge of here only, you are no one to decide who will mazher marry, ruks slaps her. ruks fumes on her for questioning her, she says this harem is mine and i rule here, jodha interrupts and says she is right, mazhar has no connections with harem, you cant take his decision, he has right to take his decision, ruks says enough, you stay silent, no need for your suggestion, jodha says i agree but here its about justice, you should listen to aziza once, if they want ti marry then they can, Ruks says mazhar and ruksnana’s nikkah is arranged, jodha says but it was arranged in childhood now mazhar loves aziza, ruks says love is just showoff, real thing is friendship, mazhar have to accept ruksana only and its special wife’s order and these bandhiz are under me so i will decide their fate. Jodha says but mazher is not under you so your orders doesnt fit on him so his decision will be taken by jalal only. Ruks says you are challenging me, jodha says no i want justice to be done by right person, ruks says harem is mine and i have right, Maham says but this matter is under jalal and he will decide whom mazher should marry, ruks is surprised that Maham is taking Jodha’s side.

Scene 2
All the baandiz and begums are complaining against Ruk’s anger and attitude. They praise jodha for having the courage to speak up against Ruks. Jalal is having discussion with his ministers. He is informed about the fisticuffs in the harem, He orders ruks to deal with the matter, He would not interrupt, When jodha comes and says i came to request you, i know you are always busy in providing services to your people, jalal says its my responsibility to check that my people are happy else i have no right to be king, jodha says who is your people> the only one who is outside this palace, what about people inside palace, harem is yours, jalal says i dont interfere in matters of harem, ruks deals with them, jodha says you are shehehshah maybe this is just another thing for you but its matter of life for a dasi, jalal says ruks is capable to handle these things, jodha says its about their feelings, what if she is a dasi but she is also included in your nation, i know this is small matter to involve you but this matter is very serious, listen to her once, they all love you, they respect you and by listening to them you will not interfere in anybody’s position but will do justice, i have this request from justice giving king, she leaves, jalal is tensed.
Scene 3
Elsewhere There is preparations for war by sujamal, They plan to attack against amer. His generals speak against bharmal, They speak against jodha That she should have killed herself instead of marrying mughul. Sujamal is infuriated on hearing bad words about jodha he says he would kill the person speak against jodha. Sujamal prepares to go to Agra to meet his sis jodha Even as he is warned against it.

Scene 4 Ruks is resting as Maham comes to her room, Finds hoshiyar guarding, she ask whats happening here, hoshiyar says she is sleeping and said whoever will disturb her she will kill her, maham says let me see. Maham proceeds to wake up ruks, she ask her to get up. she Warns her that ruks is losing control of the harem, That jodha is being preferred by all inmates of harem .. Jodha is gaining supremacy in harem, Ruks laugh it off. Maham tries to instigate Ruks to take action against Jodha. Ruks is warned, maham says that jodha might influence Jalal to take decision Hoshiyar informs that all ladies of harem would be addressed by Jalal. ruks proceeds unwillingly ..
Precap- Jalal naughtily tells Jodha to give him head massage faking a head ache..Jodha protests that he had just received head massage from baandi. Jalal says that the baandi’s hand would never have the same effects that her soft tender hands would have, he looks at her naughtily.
Scene 1
moti and jodha are going to court, moti says to jodha that what happened was not right but you shouldnt have interrupted ruks in her orders. Jodha says i cant tolerate this being rajvanshi, moti says i am worried about consequences. Hameeda is going there too, she says i am worried about ruk’s behavior Salima says i dont know why ruks is over reacting on things. All reaches court, jalal comes there, all greet him. Jalal says i dont interfere in harem’s matters but on special request i am here, he orders to bring them whose matter is this, ruksana, aziza, mazher comes there. maham says 1st tell jalal about your name, they gives their intro.,,,,They disclose that aziza is in love with mazhar and they wanted to marry, Ruksana says their wedding was arranged in childhood.

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Ruks says childhood friendship and relation is very important, Jodha says love is most important Jalal says one side is childhood friendship and other side is love and according to Muslim rule, nikkah can be done only when both groom and bride are ready so i am giving you one months time so you can decide whom you want marry,,,,, Jalal leaves from there. One begum complains to Jalal about Ruks that her harsh behaviour towards baandies and rude to other begums, She treats other behums like her baandies. Maham speaks in favour of Jodha, Jalal asks whether his decision to give ruks the responsibility wrong ?? Was there any one who was wiling to take responsibility, one baandi names Jodha begum, Some favour her But Jodha says she is not suitable for that post. Jalal says that all begums would ponder over that issue too next morning he would decide and if they could not arrive at a conclusion. He would not hear a single word against Ruks. Ruks smiles at him, he leaves from there.
Scene 2
Hameeda is discussing with other begums that ruks behaved harshly and had taken rash decision. Salima says that jodha might not be experienced but she felt from the heart and took decisions after feeling for the other, One baandi who was over hearing all this thinks of informs ruks. Jodha comes to jalal who is having head massage from dasi , he says come, he says because of this harem scuffles i have an head ache, jalal ask dasi to leave. he looks at jodha and smiles, jodha sits infront of him, jalal says you say something else and do something else.

Jalal naughtily tells Jodha to give him head massage faking a head ache..Jodha protests that he had just received head massage from baandi. Jalal says that the baandi’s hand would never have the same effects that her soft tender hands would have, he looks at her naughtily. Jodha shyly picks up the oil And massages him scalp (bg music plays). Jalal says that ruks is doing good job but i am happy that how you had refused to take over the responsibility of harem Unlike other begums you are different. Jodha says i am leaving leave But jalal requests her for some more head massage .. She declines politely asking him to catch up on lost sleep, she leaves, jalal is smiling.
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