
Jodha Akbar Episode 177–178 Update on Wednesday 31st May 2017

Scene 1 
jalal says i cant forgive a betrayer who tried to defame my wife, all looks at him. he ask phuphi that you are writing biography of my father, should i forgive a culprit, but punishment should be according to the crime, he ask ruks, she says yes she did crime but she was not willing to do it, he asks salima, she says think about she being pregnant and she needs her family, jalal says i will not change my decision, maham says sorry to say but she is pregnant and she can take wrong step which will be harmful for her, jalal says i am thinking as king whether a brother feels hurt, ruks says seems you have decided so we should leave, all leave except jodha who is standing there tensed, she leaves. Outside ruks says to women that jalal have decided and he doesnt change his decisions, salima says but a brother inside him is tensed, maham says but he doesnt have heart, so he will not change it, jodha says i want to try once more, maham says when he rejected request of hamida then how he will accept your plea, ruks says you think he will listen to you after not listening to us, jodha says no but till now we were talking to king, but i want to talk to brother, she is family member and i cant see her like this, hamida says if you want to try then i will not stop you, jodha leaves, ruks says nothing will happen, she will comeback after getting nothing, i have fear that jalal might punish her for taking side of a culprit.
Scene 2 Jalal is in thoughts and remember jodha telling that bakshi is pregnant, he comes to weight balance, jodha comes there and says you come here when you are tensed for something, bakshi is your sister. Jalal says but justice doesnt see any relation. Jodha says you have justice to all whether it was sharif adham mali or bakshi but what about that unborn child? he is not at fault, when he will get up he will be separated from his parents then he will question your rules and will hate mughal rules, think about that innocent, jodha says when shivani ran away you didnt punish me because you knew that i was not wrong. jodha says that the rule is that if the person with whom the wrong happened,if he forgives the culprit then his punishment becomes over. When ruks forgave adham he was freed, same happened when mirza asked to forgive bharmal then when i am saying that i am forgiving bakshi then why you are not forgiving, she says i cant see bakshi in pain, she is your sister, i plead you to forgive her, think about her child once please, she leaves. Jalal is thoughtful and puts his ring in weight balance
Scene 3 in room, bakshi is about to fall but jalal holds her in time, he ask are you alright, jalal scolds the servants that she is pregnant and you are not taking her care. Jalal says to bakshi that you always do mistake but now you are pregnant and i am becoming uncle so you should take care of your health, bakshi is overwhelmed and hugs jalal, she says why you didnt come before, i used to curse myself for what i did, jalal says i had to come, when jodha forgave you then why should i be angry with you, he says lets go back home, he takes her to palace, jodha comes there, jalal looks at her and leaves, bakshi says thanks to jodha, jalal blessed her, talked with her only because of her, jodha says sister dont say thanks, bakshi hugs her and says you are great bhabhi.
Scene 4 Adham says to his men that jalal has put responsibility of catching thieves and maing peace on me so ask all to not loot anymore if he will get to know about it i will be in troublw, his man says what about the smuggling of people who are in jails, adham says continue that business, javeda comes there and says you are doing very good work, if i were you i would have beaten the bad people. adham fumes and shows her knife but she says why are you showing me this you should show it to bad people, adham ask her to go and make something for him, she leaves. Maham and ruks are playing chess, maham says you are not seeing what jodha is doing, ruks says i have made space between them, maham says but he did what jodha said in case of bakshi, ruks says he did what was right, ruks says there is only one queen in chess and in jalal’s life its me, maham says your king is being surrounded by my pawns, you lost. Ruks says how this can happen, maham says your queen was over confident about her position and left king behind which was surrounded pawns . ruks says i am going to sleep, she leaves. Maham thinks why i get the feeling that jalal is going to be snatched from ruks.
Precap: jodha is sitting near bath tub, moti is giving steam to her hairs, jalal comes from behind and takes it from her, she leaves, jalal sits behind jodha, jodha blabbers how someone can be so stubborn, he held my hand in dream and when i opened my eyes he was holding my hand, she turns to see moti and is surprised to see jalal there.
Scene 1

Hamida and ladies comes and meet bakshi,All royal ladies are having emotional reunion with bakshi. Hameeda says she could not come to meet her in prison being maryam makani she was bound by law, Ruks and Maham congrat bakshi amd also Jodha as she had achieved a feat even the khaas begum could not achieve

Scene 2
jodha is sitting near bath tub, moti is combing her hairs and is giving steam to her hairs, she ask jodha what is she thinking? jodha says about jalal, its very difficult to understand him see the case of baksi he loves her alot but on her one mistake he gave her punishment, he has great control on his heart, when justice is concerned he doesnt see anyone, jalal comes and listens to it, jodha says but i ma happy he listened to me, bakshi needs her family at this point, and this shows he has softness in his heart, he is different you cant understand him, sometime e is very sweet and other he gets angry, he even disturbs dreams, when i was unconscious after drinking poison, i saw a dream like i was going to isolated place, i am going to die and then jalal came there ans stopped me by holding my hand, Jalal smiles listening to it, jalal comes from behind and takes it from her, she leaves, jalal sits behind jodha, jodha blabbers how someone can be so stubborn even in dream, he ordered me even in dream that you cant go, he held my hand in dream and when i opened my eyes he was holding my hand, she turns to see moti and is surprised to see jalal there. he looks here and there, she ask you here? moti didnt tell me, jalal says i told her to not tell you, jodha says you were lstening to my talks, jalal says you were holding my hand in dream, jodha says bad manners to listen to others talk, its stealing, jalal says i didnt steal anything, this is my room which i have given to my wife and talk was realted to me so listened, jodha says it was my personal talk, jalal says strange you can tell personal things to your friend but to not to your husband, jodha says yes because i am still not too much free with you, jalal says i will wait for that day, he is about to leave but burns his hand with steam, jodha holds his hand in concern and says why are you always in hurry, she puts water on it, jalal smiles looking at her and says to remember the dream she is going to see tonight maybe you might decide to tell me, he leaves.
Scene 3
Plans are being made by Sujamal along with his trusted generals n soldiers for attacking Agra ..He wants to take his revenge from Jalal . Suddenly He receives the news of jodha’s poisoning by snake poison, Sujamal says that i have to go to agra to meet jodha, his man says that she married mughal and they are our enemies, suja says i dont care i will go there anyway. Scene 4 Bakshi hugs jodha and says i got everything but one wish is left that wish my was husband was here but he is criminal, jiji we will celebrate your baby showertoday, jodha says i am leaving and you keep smiling as it effect child and we are with you, jiji says to not cry otherwise your child will cry and will irritate you in nights. Hamida ask her to take rest. Scene 5 Jodha is going and sees a grand chess table, she thinks what is this? she goes inside, jalal comes there, jodha says it seems like chess, jalal says it is chess but real people are sitting instead of blocks, jodha says its not right to use people for fun, jalal says i came to play with ruks but she hasnt come so should we play? jodha says why not but how will move them, there ruks shouts on hoshiyar that my slippers are not matching with my suit, he brings another pair, here jalal shows her that by calling the soldier he will move by himself forward, jodha says am not liking to order people, jalal says its just a game and if you win i will give whatever you want, jodha says we will see to it, lets play 1st. Outside ruks is coming and says that today i will play alot with jalal and nobody should disturb us, inside jalal says i usually lose too ruks and you made her lose to you once so this game will be difficult for me, jodha says winning and losing is part of game but we should play with smile on our face, jalal says true, he orders his horse to kill jodha’s pawn, jodha’s smiles fades, jalal ask what happened, jodha says i am not understanding this chess, jalal says you said to smile even if losing then why this ranting, jodha start playing silently. Ruks sees jalal playing with jodha and says she is coming between me and jalal, jalal says seem you are liking it, jodha says i played your trick on you, ruks says to hoshiayr to be here and when they finishes ask jalal to meet me, he leaves. Hoshiyar says ruks is fainting from the time jodha has got consciousness, Inside jalal wins the game and says you deliberatly made me win, jodha says i was just learning it, jalal says according to rule you will gie me something, jodha says what can i give to a king? jalal says think what you can, jodha says i want to give you something that you become a very good king and people will love you, jalal ask soldiers to leave and ask what you will give me? jodha says not me you will give the gift to bakshi on her baby shower, jalal says after losing you are ordering me, what should i gift her? jodha says some gift which will be most special to her, he ask what? jodha says her husband sharif, jalal is shocked, he comes outside and meet hoshiyar who says ruks wants to meet you, he comes ruks who is fuming, he says you are angry as i played with jodha instead of you but i have to tell the pleasure i got playing chess with jodha, i nevere got with you, ruks is angered.
PRECAP- Ruks says to jodha that from now on you will handle harem as you have knowledge of politics, you handle jalal well and you rule over everyone.
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