Despite pulti-faceted contribution of the church toward Ghana’s development, ungrateful posture of politicians, celebrities, media, academia, other religions, citizenry etc, are that the church has failed Ghana.

That is ultracrepiderianism to biblical and historical Christianity in Ghana.
All the above sceptics ought to acknowledge that they can’t redefine the Christian, Church, Clergy’s missions, responsibilities, visions and goal we should pursue, even under tyrannical and military regimes. Saliently, politicians must recognize that God didn’t appoint them to recreate values and agenda for the church or the clergy.
The responsibility of the church was ordained in eternity by divinity for humanity: education, philanthropy, submission and prayer for authorities and activism for the voiceless. In simply put: the church’s responsibility is to raise leaders for the society, comfort the needy, oversee Spirituality and morality; pray, recognize, submit, speak to the authorities in the society, etc..
Is the church on course; relative to its God-given mandates in the society outside the core mandate of the Greate Commission? A big NO!
The church has built the best NGOs, philanthropy, hospitals, multi-purpose buildings and mission schools to raise professionals at every front in our national life in Ghana: presidents, speakers of parliament, chief justices, traditional leaders, lawyers, politicians, celebrities, scholars, philanthropists, all the two main political patriarchs of Ghana were Dr. Kwame Nkrumah and Dr. Kofi Abrefa Busia, both were products (trained ministers of the Gospel) of the church. Praise the Lord! Indisputably, Pentecost Church and Lighthouse Chapel are the only notable indigenous Ghanaian leadership globally in the history of Ghana.
Christianity achieved all these through the church and mission schools establishments. To the sceptics the church has failed because we walk on parallel lines with them. They focus on materialism and manipulation, the church however focuses on enhancing Spirituality and Society.
The church has more multi-purpose buildings, companies and institutions than any religion or a group of people in Ghana, yet usually marginalized by politicians, celebrities, media, academia, other religions and the citizenry at large.
They are hostile to the church, because it’s posture on morality is characteristically antithetical to the world’s: ‘vote buying’ politics, greediness, occultism, hydonism, nepotism, divisiveness, perversion of proper human sexuality and family values’, anti-life, godlessness, illegal mining/’GALAMSEY’ etc. they can’t match the church in positive influence in the society. The church is consciously aware of its potentials and accomplishments. We don’t need complements or recognition from politicians, celebrities, media, academia, other religions and citizenry to be fulfilled!
All those Ungodly individuals denigrate the church because they are unsuccessful in shifting the church’s focus from fundamental developmental principles for the society and spirituality to collaborate them in the pursuit of their liberal, progressive, leftist inhumane ideologies etc..
Those are the discernible contributions of the church to Ghana’s ongoing development.
A word to the is enough!
Let those with ears hear what the Spirit says to the Churches and Ghana!
For God and Country!
God bless our homeland Ghana and make our nation great and strong bold to defend for ever the course of freedom and of rights.
Stay Tuned!
Rev. Emmanuel Boachie COUNTRY DIRECTOR of Awsome Bible College and HEADPASTOR of Souls’ Pasture Church Kumasi Asuofua-ACHIASE off Barekese Rd.
+233 (0) 240 37 59 59.

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