Madhvi calls Sagar to pack his bags. Ganga tells Madhvi that she is leaving for school. Principal is coming for Inspection. Madhvi goes to bring lunch for Ganga while Ganga sets Sagar’s bag. Sagar asks her about the Inspection. You call yourself smart. You couldn’t give answer to the riddle yester night. Do you even know what happens in the inspection? She doesn’t want his help. He indirectly points at her nails. They check nails, cleanliness, dress and everything.
Ganga enters in her class. Bulbul sits next to Reena. This is my place. Gunwanti enters. The kids greet her. She asks them all to take a seat. Keep your books nicely. Head principal is coming so be careful. We will be studying maths but she will check uniform first. The kids make a line. Ganga is excited that she will get to study today. The students greet the Head Principal. She makes Gunwanti check each and every kid’s uniform. Bulbul stealthily shifts to the other line. Ganga points out at the same. Her uniform hasn’t been checked yet. Gunwanti has no option but to call Bulbul before her. She scolds Bulbul for eating chewing gum. She also has her nails painted. Gunwanti makes her stand in a corner. Bulbul looks angrily at Ganga. Now I will show you what happens when you mess with Bulbul. You will regret it.
Teacher asks questions on GK. Ganga thinks of answering but Bulbul does it first. Ganga adds that white colour means a widow (they ask about what the colours of the flag denote). The kids laugh at Ganga. The Head Principal walks up to Ganga. What is your name? Ganga replies. She asks her about her answer. Ganga shares that she is a widow. Amma ji says widows can only wear white. God gets angry otherwise. The Head Principal denies. These rules have been made by the society and our ancestors. It isn’t written anywhere in the Constitution. White colour represents peace. This is why it has been included in our national flag. Our country wants to spread this message to the entire world. Since when are you studying here? Ganga says I came just now. The Head Principal asks her what she has learnt from the teachers. Ganga answers honestly. Teacher makes us peel peas. The Head Principal eyes them sternly. Gunwanti tries to decline it. I was telling the kids the benefits of the seed. Ganga calls it a lie. This isn’t what happened. The other teachers support Gunwanti. We do stuff through which the kids can understand it easily. Bulbul supports Gunwanti. All the kids support her. The Head Principal has anyways got many complaints about the food that’s sent for the kids. You have to take care of it too. These kids are our future. We have to give them right quality of nutritious food. The kids get excited. The Head Principal goes to check the other classes. Teachers look pointedly at Ganga. Bulbul and Ganga keep staring at each other.
Ganga comes running inside the house. She tells them excitedly about what happened in the school. We studied too. I don’t have to take lunch from tomorrow. Everyone will get good food there. Amma ji I have helped you in cutting down your expenses. Amma ji mocks her cutely. Madhvi is going to market. Ganga too wants to go with her. I will help Bahu ji or she will have to bring everything all by herself. Amma ji agrees. Change your dress first. Ganga rushes to change. I will join you very soon. I know you are going in the neighbourhood only. Amma ji is surprised at Ganga’s enthu.
Ganga comes to the market and is looking around for Madhvi when she notices one of the guys who had kidnapped her. He is the same man. I will tell Bahu ji about it. She finally finds Madhvi. She takes her to the corner to show her that man. He is the one who had kidnapped me. There was another guy with him. Madhvi thinks of calling Niru.
Pulkit tells his girlfriend that his father is meeting her father today for work. Hope they become friends. She nods. We don’t have to worry about our future then. He understands the point but tries to ask her the reason intentionally.
Niru politely declines to take the case as MLA’s BIL has actually done the murder. MLA reminds him that he has signed the contract. The crime hasn’t been proved yet. You will work to prove him innocent. Niru cannot do such a thing after knowing the truth. MLA points out that he wont be able to even fight the case from the other party’s side if he declines to fight on his behalf.
Madhvi is not able to reach NIru as he is busy in his meeting. She clicks his photo. The man calls Omkar (I guess) to tell him that he is here only. They are supposed to meet. The man turns to go. Ganga wants Madhvi to follow him but she tells Ganga that police will do it. They are dangerous. Ganga wonders what if that guy leaves this city. We must find out about his whereabouts atleast. Madhvi denies so Ganga herself runs after the man.
Precap: Madhvi tries to take Ganga from there.
Ganga notices another guy who is talking to both the kidnappers. She pulls Madhvi to the corner so they can see the guy. Madhvi and Ganga are shocked to see Omkar there.
Madhvi runs after Ganga in an attempt to stop her from going after that man. She loses track of Ganga after a while. Bulbul and her friends notice Ganga coming there. Bulbul decides to teach a lesson to Ganga. She stands in Ganga’s way. Ganga tries to go but she doesn’t let her. You insulted me before the principal. Now I will see who saves you. Ganga requests her to let her go. I have some important work. You can fight with me later. Bulbul eyes the muddy road nearby. You got scared? She tries to drag Ganga there along with her friends’ help but Bulbul and her friends fall in the mud as they slip. Their clothes are all dirty. Bulbul is all the more angry with Ganga now. All the people in the market stop by and look at them. Ganga says sorry to them. I had no other option as you weren’t listening to me.
Madhvi finds Ganga and stops her. one has to use brains at times. They are very dangerous. You cannot get into all this. I have the photo. The guy wont be able to go anywhere. Let’s go. I have to buy so many things. We will go to police station in the evening when Babu will come. Ganga goes with her.
Mehri is irked that she has to do all the work all the time. She serves water to Sudha and Pishi Ma. Amma ji gives a few more instructions to Mehri. Amma ji asks Sudha what’s wrong with her. You don’t come to meet me and you dint even talk to me properly in the ashram the other day. You call me Amma ji but hide things from me. Pishi Ma encourages Sudha to go ahead. Sudha is in tears which worries Amma ji.
Madhvi remembers too buy oil. Ganga notices both the goons. She points out to Madhvi. They are talking to someone. Madhvi tries to take Ganga from there. Ganga notices another guy who is talking to both the kidnappers. She pulls Madhvi to the corner so they can see the guy. Madhvi and Ganga are shocked to see Omkar there. Ganga asks Madhvi if he kows these goons. Madhvi thinks that she had no idea he will stoop to this level. She makes a video of all three of them. The goons are asking for more money. They threaten him of going to police. Madhvi takes Ganga with her.
Sudha tells everything to Amma ji. Amma ji is shocked.
Madhvi returns home and rushes to tell everything to Niru. She shows him the video.
Amma ji is short of words. She comforts a crying Sudha. Babli had heard everything. She is standing outside the door.
Omkar calls out for Sagar as he has brought jalebi for him. Sagar is about to take them but Niru stops him. Omkar asks him the reason for it. He is well now. Everyone gathers there and looks at him pointedly. Omkar has brought a rudraksh mala for her. I respect you and the way you follow the rules of a widow life. I respect all the other widows too. She tells him to stop. I know how much you respect widows. Sudha walks out of the room along with Pishi Ma. He notices the look on everyone’s faces. He turns to Niru. What happened? Why is everyone staring at me like that? Amma ji and Madhvi walk closer to him followed by Pulkit. Omkar is boggled.
Pulkit questions him about the admission incident. The form and application that you took were never submitted. You informed the reporters. You wanted to spoil papa’s career and name. Madhvi points out at the sleeping tablet incident. You looked at Sudha ji with bad intentions. You tried to scare Ganga. Niru says Ganga never lies. This is why you sent her to that brothel! Omkar calls it a lie. I only had informed you about Ganga’s whereabouts. Niru says it was a sham. You were only trying to protect yourself. Your game is over now. Your true colours are out in the open. Omkar gets tensed. Niru shows him the video where he is talking to the kidnappers. This shocks everyone else all the more. Do you have any other explanation? I used to respect you as you are my late sister’s husband. I gave you another chance when Sudha ji’s matter came out. I had no proof back then so I kept quiet. I dint want to malign her and my family’s name. I am feeling bad for Amma ji. I know how much she would have been hurt today. Amma ji remarks that she always thought good of him. I thought wrong about my son, my DIL and this girl. I am feeling pity for myself. I thought I could judge people well. I thought a liar and cheater to be a good man. My daughter must be feeling pained. I am thinking how she would have lived with you all the years. You give no importance to relations or people. Omkar shouts at her to be quiet. You all said a lot. He tells Sagar rudely to hold the stuff and starts laughing maniacally. Yes, I did everything. I wanted to make place for myself in this house. I wanted to rule this house! Babli is in tears.
Precap: This girl (Ganga) is my biggest enemy. It would have been best if she would have died that day. They try to pull Ganga’s hand free from his clutches when suddenly Sudha walks forward and slaps him. He is taken aback.
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