
Fearless Heart Update on Monday 26th June 2017

EV comes to collect FF from the jail. He tells Miggy that he and FF are getting married. Miggy can’t believe it. EV says that FF asked to marry him. He says cheerily that Miggy is going to jail and he is going to the altar with FF.

Camilo is D8D’s prisoner. D8D tells Camilo that he’s behaved badly and must pay. Then he gets a call about the baby snatch and Clara’s injury.
JM won’t take Angie’s call to Laura.

The Reptile tells Nora that she doesn’t need anything from Nora that is worth Gus’ life. But she says that she will think about in consultation with her cat. Rosario comes in with a tray and drops it in astonishment when she sees Nora.

EV babbles on and on about the wedding to FF. FF tells him that she won’t marry him unless the Miggy is free. EV has the brass ones to say that Miggy’s fate is up to the authorities and he can’t interfere.
Nora tells the Reptile that she and Rosario were really good friends before she went to prison.
Clara is in serious condition in the hospital. Sam is sure that D8D is responsible. She wants to be with Willy at the hospital so she leaves the enormous baby with Angie.
Willy asks Dummy Duval why he doesn’t arrest D8D.Duval says that he doesn’t have any proof (as if that stopped him before).

D8D’s thug drag Camilo out. Rodrigo comes in and asks what is going on. D8D tells him and Rodrigo flashes back to Clara warning him that telling D8D about her relationship with Camilo would make him responsible for two deaths. [Now he remembers this? He didn’t remember when he blabbed to D8D?]
EV wants to take FF to Paris to shop for wedding stuff but she only wants one thing – Miggy’s freedom. EV asks when FF is going to tell him that she loves him. FF gets an abdominal pain.

Miggy is before a judge. He tells the judge that there has been an injustice. He is not Jesus Matamoros. He is Mexican and he can get proof of this.
Sam arrives at the hospital and asks when will all this bad stuff end. Willy replies that only D8D’s death will end it.

D8D shows up and accuses Willy of stealing his baby. Willy behaves like a nut job, which is too bad sinceDuval has brought a Social Services lady with him. We cut to Angie finding a baby – presumably Luz. D8D puts on his “Mr. Pitiful” routine for the Social Services lady.
Angie calls Sam. Luz was left at the door of JM’s house. Duval says that makes their situation more complicated.

The Judge does not believe Miggy.
EV calls the doctor and hold FF in his arms.
The Reptile tells Gustavo that she has several offers for him. She says that she will treat him better but she has one question – why do all the men fall in love with Angie? [maybe ‘cause she’s the star of the show and you are a villain with a monkey butt?]
Gus tells the Reptile that Angie has what the Reptilelacks – a soul. The Reptile hits him.
Clara wakes up in the hospital and wants to know what happened to the baby. D8D tells her that the baby is ok and he forgives her for her infidelity. He says that all he wants is to have her and the baby back with him.
Sam and Willy are with their three children. [I swear that Sam’s premie is bigger than Luz!] Sam tells Willy that she talked to their lawyer and Luz showing up at their house does make their situation more complicated. She also tells him that Gael has made a statement that he and Sam are lovers.
Duval shows up at Willy’s house with an Order to take Luz.
Miggy tells his lawyer that he knows the lawyer isn’t there to help him but to defeat him. The lawyer replies that he thinks that Miggy is crazy.

Ringo tells EV that Laura went back to LA with JM and that the Reptile does not yet know this. Ringo notices that EV seems to be stressed out. EV replies that the doctor gave him two pills – one will save FF’s baby and the other one will terminate the pregnancy. He has to decide which one to give her. FF comes in and EV gives her one of the pills. EV tells her that the doctor said that her abdominal pain was from wedding stress and that she should relax.

FF asks EV what happens if she doesn’t marry him. EV replies that if she defies him, bad things will happen. Meanwhile, we see Miggy in his cell telling FF over and over not to marry EV. He thinks he’s going crazy.
Willy gives Luz to Duval. Sam is devastated.
Laura brings JM to Gus’ apartment because he doesn’t want anyone to know that he is alive.
Genesis does not want to go to school. Angie tells her that she has to go to Gus’ place and check his phone messages [you can do that remotely, you know but that wouldn’t be any fun.]
D8D is sending Camilo to Colombia.

There’s a new guy Miggy’s cell. He doesn’t want to be in a cell with Matamoros but when he sees Miggy, he says that he isn’t el Mesias.
EV’s guys find out that Pegleg had JM. Pegleg claims that he had JM but he escaped. EV asks if Pegleg thinks he is an idiot. JM is in LA. The Reptile is in the room and this is the first she has heard of this.

EV asks Pegleg to tell the truth and he does. He says that JM offered him money for a nicer prosthesis in return for letting JM go. EV kills Pegleg.
The new prisoner is Miggy’s cell says that he will testify that Miggy isn’t Matamoros. [Why would the judge believe another criminal?]
Gus is chained up but not in the dungeon anymore. Rosario and Nora come into his room.
Clara’s out of the hospital and doesn’t even seem to have a headache. D8D wants her to say goodbye to her lover. She and Camilo hug and Camilo tells her who he really is. Then Sam and Willy are at the door.

Miggy wakes up and his cellmate is dead. Bummer!
FF kisses EV, maneuvers him to the bed and then points this gigantic gun at him. [I guess EV forgot that FF was in the army and would know how to work that big gun.]
Angie and Genesis go to Gus’ apartment. Angie hears a noise. She is checking it out and finds JM.

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