
Fearless Heart Update on Friday 7th July 2017

FF blacks out when she sees Miggy kissing NB.

Willy makes sense of that the call Sam got furious her. At in the first place, she denies this yet at last she discloses to him that the call was a risk against her for being Angie’s sister.

EV conveys FF to her room. She awakens, saw Miggy kissing NB. She discloses to EV that everything has changed. Presently she realizes that truly nobody adores her like EV does. She grasps EV and he seems as though he won the lottery.

The Reptile has JM cuffed to a seat. She turns the camera on and begins her execution for her web fans. She inquires as to whether she should murder JM or not.

A down and out Miggy reveals to Gus that FF is enamored with EV.

FF stops EV before they have intercourse. She says she is not prepared yet. EV answers that he will hold up.

By and by, Laura requests that Jéssica come back to LA with her. She declines saying that EV can’t survive without her and Nic can.

We slice to Nic saying that he can’t survive without Jéssica.
Sam takes Nic to class and we see that there is an expert marksman there.

Nora demonstrates the Reptiles video stream to Angie.

Miggy tells Gus, Camilo and Clara that he needs to leave NB’s posse.

The expert marksman shoots Nic in the back. Sam shoots the expert sharpshooter.

Jéssica barges in on EV and FF kissing to state that she had an awful dream about Nic.

Miggy reveals to NB that it doesn’t bode well for him to execute EV for a lady who doesn’t love him. NB reveals to him that he can clear out.

Willy tries to assault the marksman as he is being stacked into a rescue vehicle. He needs to know who paid him.

All amid the scene of Sam and Willy at the healing facility mournfully guaranteeing each other that Nic will survive, I was diverted by the dim underlying foundations of Sam’s hair. We now that Nic will survive in any case.

The Reptile berates Canario in light of the fact that his expert sharpshooter shot her nephew, Nic, rather than Sam.

FF reveals to EV that Miggy was at the gathering with NB and that Miggy is enamored with NB.

NB discloses to her folks that she doesn’t need Miggy to leave the group.

Nora is suffering from extreme melancholy about Nic’s being shot. She says that in the event that he bites the dust, she will kick the bucket.

Duvall tells Sam and Willy that the expert marksman works for EV.

FF reveals to EV that all her affection for Miggy has changed to detest.

Angie discloses to Sam that everything that has happened is her blame.

The Reptile sends Canario back to Colombia.

Miggy gets Willy and gets some answers concerning Nic being shot. Presently he has another thought process to slaughter EV and needs to remain with NB.

Nic needs an operation.

EV gives Jéssica a chance to call Nic. Willy answers Nic’s telephone and reveals to her that Nic was shot by an expert rifleman sent by her dad and is kicking the bucket.

D8D gets some answers concerning the Reptile’s live web spilling.

Miggy goes into the bar in the pueblo close to EV’s place and requests to see EV. Canario is there.

FF converses with Miggy’s appearance in a mirror. She communicates her supposition of him by tossing something and breaking the mirror. EV comes in and FF kisses him.

Jessica barges in and blames EV for being an executioner.

Nic is in surgery and goes into heart failure!!

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