
Do Not Love Me So Much Episode 171–172 Update on Monday 12th June 2017

The episode starts with Neil and RK heading towards Mir Chowk to meet Nivedita when their car breaks down. Devika calls Ragini’s LL and asks Sunny to give phone to Ragini. sunny says Ragini is busy in a pooja. Devika insists. Ragini picks call and Devika says there is an emergency at hospital and nurses were trying to reach her mobile since a long time. Ragini asks Nishi and Jignesh to handle pooja and leaves home. She sees RK and Neil still outside home and asks if they did not leave. Neil says RK’s car broke down. RK repairs car and insists that he will drop Ragini along.

RK drops Ragini and Neil to hospital and waits outside in car. Devika informs there is a critical pregnancy case. Neil agrees to handle case until specialists arrive. Ragini calls RK and asks him to go and attend Nivedita and if there is an emergency, inform Neil.

Neil handles lady’s case and asks Ragini to call gynec as lady’s condition is getting critical and delivery has to be peformed. Ragini says gynec is out of town. Neil says karthik is a gynec and can help. Ragini calls Karthik and asks him to reach hospital right now as there is an emergency. He informs Suhani and rushes towards hospital but stucks in rain.

RK reaches Mir chowk. Nivedita gets happy thinking Neil has come, but hides her face seeing RK. RK gets out of car and asks when she is fine, why did she call Neil here. She says she is having severe leg pain and some good guy left her here, she repeatedly asks where is Neil. He says Neil is in hospital with Ragini. She gets irked and starts badmouthing Ragini and asks why they are all so concerned about Ragini. He says she won’t understand it and says he will take her to nearby clinic. She insists to meet Neil right now and asks if he is afraid of Devika at hospital. RK says he passes through relationship easily and not like her who is stuck still now, Pam and he are friends from before and will be friends always…

Neil tries to handle case and calls Karthik to reach soon. Karthik says he will instruct him how to deliver and instructs him over phone. Traffic inspector stops him and asks for license. Karthik gives his international license. Inspector says he cannot speak over phone while driving. Karthik says he is handling a critical case over phone and instructing another doc and asks Neil to speak to inspector. Neil informs inspector that Karthik is instructing him in handling a critical case and asks to free him soon. Inspector apologizes Karthik and says he is doing his duty and asks to pay chalan and leave. Neil over phone asks Karthik what to do now. Karthik asks him to tell lady to push. Lady pushes. Neil sees baby’s head. Karthik asks him to do episiotomy and bring baby out.

Janmastami pooja continues at Ragini’s house while lady’s delivery is being performed at hospital by Neil. After pooja, Baa asks Agam to break dahi handi.

Neil finally delivers and congratulates lady that she got a baby boy. Karthik says he will disconnect call and reach hospital soon. While sitting on chair with Ragini sipping tea, Neil tells Ragini he realized how difficult it is for a mother to deliver a baby and she delivered 4 children and bore so much pain, that is why mother’s value is more than father.

Precap: Nivedita reaches hospital and shouts at Neil that she met with an accident, but was busy with Ragini instead of attending her. RK says she just got leg sprain and will be fine soon

The episode starts with Karthik calling Suhani and informing her that her parents helped lady’s delivery and it is a boy. Suhani informs family. Everyone get happy hearing that. Sunny prays god that there Ragini and Neil helped in delivery of a boy and here Nishi and Jignesh performed krishna janmastami here. Pam thinks Neil went to attend Nivedita, then how did he reach hospital with Ragini.

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