
Dawn of Snapchat Queens: Are Ghanaians finally embracing pornography?

In every society, there’s bound to be deviants who couldn’t care less about the norms and practices that shape it.

Snapchat is increasingly becoming popular among the youth and as such more and more people hop on that wagon each day.

In Ghana, the story is not different from young girls who are mostly unemployed keep themselves busy with satisfying their ardent viewers.

These group of self-made “boss chicks” have invaded the snapchat wagon and they’re in for business.

Snapchat is a great network to share your life with others — but with this hostile takeover by these “Boss Chicks”, we’re bound to be getting more than we bargained for.

These young ladies mostly post sexually suggestive videos and pictures of themselves doing unspeakable things. With their so called “Premium Snapchat Accounts”, fans who pay the fee get to see so much more and most of these perverts tell EonlineGhana.Com that it’s worth every penny.

With this booming business which virtually costs nothing to operate, paves way for more young ladies to follow suit.

One of the many snapchat Divas who is very popular in this business is known widely as Queen Farcadi.

The excessively bleached self-acclaimed “Amber Rose” of Ghana has one of the largest following accounts on snapchat — with her stories getting not less than 10K views a day.

Queen Farcadi who has taken a break from this business due to her pregnancy from what EonlineGhana.Com gathers used to make not less than GHC20,000 a month from Snapchat subscriptions, of which you need to pay GHs 100 to suscribe.

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This is one expensive prostitute from Ashaiman who built/bought her first house with the money she got from the business — so you can guess how many perverts were involved in her success story.

EonlineGhana.Com also discovered that she now advertise on her snapchat account — charging between GHs200-GHs500 per ad. Farcadi also charges GHc50 for a follow back on Twitter.

Obviously, there are many ladies out there who are making a living out of exposing their body on snapchat and we gather these ladies charge between GHs100 and GHs300 for Premium Snapchat Accounts where all access is granted to viewers to see unadulterated pornography.

I mean any of these ladies could easily pass as a Porn star because their actions on their snapchat accounts are nothing different from what Porn stars are known to do.

From lesbian sex to pleasuring themselves with dildos on live cam — the pleasures they offer to their Premium subscribers are endless. With the quick cash/payments which are mostly made through money transfers and mobile money payments — there is no motivation for these ladies to retire any time soon.

My question however is, since the Ghanaian society frowns on indecent public exposure and the law criminalizes pornography in any form — are the authorities aware of this alarming trend or are Ghanaians finally embracing pornography?

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What you do in the comfort of your room is nobody’s business, but once you make it public it becomes everybody’s business and as such it is covered under the jurisdiction of Ghana.

If Rashida Black Beauty was arrested recently for a naked video that leaked online — what is stopping the authorities from enforcing the same judgement and clamping down these many girls who are going nude on snapchat, facebook live videos and on instagram?

Are these snapchat queens above their jurisdiction? Isn’t this what we call selective justice or is there something I’m missing?

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