As the first public senior high school, St. Peter's SHS has opened an AI lab on campus.

An important turning point in the advancement of AI technology within the Persco community has been reached with the opening of the AI lab at St. Peter’s Senior High School by the Coral Reef Innovation Hub. They anticipate the beneficial effects this lab will have on their society and are thrilled about the opportunities it will present for researchers, business owners, and the community at large.
All parties involved in this project, including NEIP, Intel, and the St. Peter’s Old Boys Association, are much appreciated by the Ministry of Education and Ghana Education Service (GES), which is its agency. They are eager to collaborate in order to harness AI’s potential to promote creativity and development in our community.
As a method of giving back to their alma mater for its influence on their lives, the president of the former students association said that the lab was constructed with contributions from year groups spanning 1974–2008, Perscoba UK, and Perscoba North America. The St. Peter’s headmaster also commended the former students’ efforts and promised to see to it that the building is used for its intended purpose.
Mr. Richard Osei-Anim, Managing Partner of Coral Reef Innovation Hub, stated that the main goal of Coral Reef was to close the digital poverty gap in Africa by bringing Education 4.0 solutions that would promote access, equity, and inclusion. While St. Peters was leading the way, Coral Reef and its partners will collaborate with the Ghana Education Service and the Ministry of Education to support efforts to expand the adoption of these solutions throughout the educational landscape as they construct a transformation pipeline together.
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